X-Message-Number: 2735
Date: 09 May 94 03:17:47 EDT
From: Mike Darwin <>
Subject: CRYONICS Ben Best's postings

I realized at the time that Ben might think my posting nasty, and it was a
risk I decided to take.  Ben, had I expressed the same sentiments to you
smiling and joshing I don't think you would have felt that way about
them, but alas that is still one of the hard things about the net.  I too
am nettled sometimes by things said innocently, and I tried to keep that
in mind when I wrote my response (sic that YOUR intentions were probably
not to cause harm).  

I want point out though that I HAVE had problems with people reporting
back to me, sometimes very angrily or distraughtly, about NASTY THINGS
SOMEONE SAYS I'VE SAID ABOUT THEM!!!!  Much too often this is because I
DID say the nasty things.  This is habit I am trying hard to break, but
like an alcoholic, I have concluded I will never be "cured" of.  However,
I have become acutely sensitive to people saying nasty things they said I
said, or linking my person or opinions to nasty or extreme positions
which I have NOT said or do NOT hold  (let's not make a bad situation any
worse than it is!)
Also, other than the assasination of Lincoln and Kennedy I know of no
other events in history other than those surrounding any action remotely
connectable with Mike Darwin that serves as more fertile ground for the
sprouting of conspiracy theories.  What I DO NOT want to hear next (and
all to often do) is "Oh that Mike Darwin is behind this
antinanotechnology sentiment and it is all the work of his evil genuis or
evil stupidity."  I consider Ralph Merkle a colleague and a friend.  I
have found him good natured, honest, pretty impartial, and very decent in
all my years of dealing with him.  Where we have disagreed it has been in
the OPEN and I have said nothing and I believe done nothing "behind his

While I know Eric Drexler less intimately, I feel much the same towards
him and admire his work and his articulation of the ideas of
nanotechnology immensely.

I am saying here very clearly I do not want any trouble with people or
any more people pissed off at me -- especially when it is unjustified. 
And I have learned the hard way that once someone has a burr under their
saddle it becomes very difficult to patch things up -- right or wrong!

I am very sensitive to this kind of thing and have found myself in this
position vis a vis communications filtered through others in the past.  I
am sorry to have come down so hard but there is some background there
which we can cover one-on-one sometime which had sensitized me.

I otherwise think your posting was a very good one, although I must say I
agree with Thomas' latest posting in regards to to the position we are
currently in and the difference between Nanotechnology and nanotechnology.
What I would be at pains to point out is that even if you do not respect
someone's judgement or opinion it pays little to be nasty about it unless
they are being nasty or are actively hurting people.  Clearly Ralph and I
and others differ over the promise and time-course of nanotechnology.  But
nothing Ralph has done (or in my opinion is likely to do) justifies
"demonizing" him or his position.  THAT cuts off communication and THAT is
the one thing I have learned is a VERY, VERY BAD THING TO DO.

I will do my best to keep my preachings here in mind after my own next
bout of intemperate raving.  

And if anyone wants to know about ought to want versus wants; call me
anytime and I'll explain.

Mike Darwin

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