X-Message-Number: 27569 From: Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2006 18:44:12 EST Subject: Re: CryoNet #27559 - #27564 In a message dated 2/3/06 12:00:42 AM, writes: > Message #27564 > Subject: Re: [CN] CryoNet State of fear > From: "Fred C. Moulton" <> > References: <> > Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2006 21:14:18 -0800 > I strongly object to the inclusion of this long off-topic message on the cryonet. The writer makes no mention of anything directly to do with cryonics and seems to assume that we are all dedicated libertarians which is not the case, and I resent his assumption. There is overlap of the tiny community of cryonicists with several other groups espousing various philosophies and political creeds. Some are mainstream and some are crackpot by one definition or another, but that is not a matter to be argued or sorfted out in this forum. It is not the business of this list to air any of these ideas unless they can be shown to have clear connection to what cryonics is all about. There is, for example, one frequent contributor who is dedicated to the belief that the earth is running out of resources, oil and evedreything else. He could, if he wishes, make a direct connection to cryonics by noting, perhaps, that we are all wasting our time because our children will be so focussed on their survival that they will abandon or destroy our cryogenic facilities because they are wasteful. More relevantly still, accepting that theory, we could discuss how to safeguard our current facilities and arrangements to counteract these forces. But si mply to spin out concerns about global warming or oil depletion, or what Michael Crichton says in a novel, well or badly, is way off topic and reduces the value of cryonet, subverting its original purpose. Ronald G. Havelock, CI member and scientific advisor. Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=27569