X-Message-Number: 27759 From: "Basie" <> Subject: Tissues are unaffected by the freeze thaw process Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 13:34:22 -0500 26 APRIL 2002 VOL 296 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org656fact, studies demonstrating that the morpho-logical and biomechanical properties of tis-sues are unaffected by the freeze-thaw pro-cess contradict this hypothesis (2).Comparisons between freezing and vitrifi-cation are often misleading, whereas eithertechnique can fail spectacularly or succeedbrilliantly, depending on the exact protocolused for preservation. Protocol developmentinvolves the adjustment of a multitude of pro-cess parameters, and the optimal processingrequirements are tissue-specific. As reportedby Kaiser, researchers at Organ RecoverySystems have achieved an important mile-stone in successfully vitrifying rabbit veins.However, their claim that "vitrification worksbetter than freezing" is based on the rel-ative performances of a fine-tuned vitri-fication protocol and an unoptimizedfreezing protocol (3), an inappropriatecomparison.For large organs, heat and masstransfer limitations become a signifi-cant obstacle to vitrification, which re-quires high cryoprotectant concentra-tions and rapid rates of temperaturechange. In contrast, freezing tech-niques use relatively dilute cryoprotec-tant solutions and low cooling rates.Moreover, the preservation process is assist-ed by ice formation: Ice sequesters watermolecules, causing a gradual and relativelyuniform concentration of cryoprotectants,even in large specimens. Paradoxically,when tissue is frozen, its biological compo-nents are actually vitrified in an amorphousmatrix that envelops the crystals.The behavior of tissue during freezing ismore complex than during vitrification, andoptimization of freezing procedures maytherefore be more challenging. Nonetheless,optimization of freezing protocols for cellshas benefited greatly from the developmentof mathematical models of the process. Re-cent efforts to model tissue freezing may thusultimately improve our ability to optimizefreezing procedures for organs (4).JENSO. M. KARLSSONDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Universityof Illinois at Chicago, Room 2057 ERF (M/C 251),842 West Taylor Street, Chicago, IL 60607-7022,USA. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=27759