X-Message-Number: 28270
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2006 21:32:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Doug Skrecky <>
Subject: 228'th update on fly longevity experiments

      This is the 228'th update of my fly longevity experiments. Average
 temperature was 24.5 C during this run. Estimated maximal longevity using
 the formula (363 - T*11.2) is 89 days.
      This run retests a 13 mg dosage of dilantin, which slightly
 increased average but not maximum longevity in run #204. Zinc/copper
 supplements have boosted longevity in both rodent and human trials,
 possibly by delaying thymic involution. Mammalian aging bears little
 resemblance to fly aging, but this run tests zinc/copper anyhow. Copper
 was included here at 2% of the zinc dosage, to prevent a zinc induced
 copper deficiency.
      Dilantin proved to be a dud, as was zinc/copper.

  Run #228            Percent Survival on Day
  supplement         6 15 24 35 47 55 63 76 90
  control one      100 93 79 49 12  5  3  0  -
  control two       93 84 61 34 13  7  2  0  -
  dilantin 7 mg     94 75 49 18 10  8  6  0  -
    "      7 mg    100 79 66 38 17  4  4  0  -
    "     13 mg     94 74 62 26  8  2  0  -  -
    "     13 mg     96 69 55 33 16 10  8  2  0
  zinc/copper 3 mg 100 88 66 32 15  5  2  0  -
    "         6 mg  93 78 68 37  7  2  2  0  -
    "        13 mg 100 82 61 18  9  2  0  -  -
    "        25 mg  88 70 30  9  0  -  -  -  -

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