X-Message-Number: 28678
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 21:40:42 -0500
From: "Jonathan Despres" <>
Subject: Re: Did Despres Finally Wear Out?

Flavonoid, I dont want to offend you but I hope you believe that
people can change and improve. I learned by my errors. I also hope
that you believe that mental illness can be treated. And I hope you
are not living in the past always like that. Think about the future,
build the future. And please dont tell that Im a scammer again because
this is wrong.

All those childish and transparently-obsequious posts, to improve his
"reputation".  Why?  Who knows, but it would not be surprising that if he
had gained a more favorable audience, we would be again afllicted by one of
his self-serving scam webpages.  Thanks to all for ignoring him.  Some more
background on Despres:

His self-admitted mental illness:


The record of his discussion of his (hopefully now defunct) "cryonics
organization" and its first failed case wherein he tried to take the money
of a fellow whose mother was dying, and since he had no real services to
offer, she ended up being cremated:  See posts just prior to the above one
in the same forum, month of October 2005.

So much for any "reputation," ever.

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