X-Message-Number: 29028 Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 19:42:01 -0600 From: Subject: Have it your way, Gareth Nelson I'm sure the reality you choose for yourself pleases you. But nobody believes you. I read absolutely zero posts on the Cold Filter thread where most of the discussion took place, from anyone supporting your position. The reason? Nobody can figure out how CI could have taken any money from your Paypal account! That is totally foreign to the way Paypal works. You, the account holder, have to initiate any payments, including recurring ones, and authorize them, yourself. Or get your wife, or anyone else you have given your account access info to, to do it, but that is the very same thing as YOU doing it because you have to authorize that also. CI can't figure out how they could have done it either, which is obviously why they deny having done it. I also doubt that anyone from here (with the possible exception of Despres, who will say about anything) will believe you either, after reading all the information. Now I am sure we can let this matter rest. Unless, Gareth, you can explain *exactly* how CI did the dirty deed you accuse them of. Vague accusations don't cut it. Instead, you say "Ben does seem to have changed his attitude now and has been notably more polite. He still does not admit that the problem with my paypal payments was any fault of CI's but I cannot spend all day repeating the same facts." The fact is, you have never provided any facts at all to support your accusations. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=29028