X-Message-Number: 2924
Date: 19 Jul 94 22:51:50 EDT
From: Mike Darwin <>
Subject: SCI.CRYONICS White Case Report Conclusions

The following is the final installment of the Jerome B. White 
Case Cryopreservation Case Report.  It contains conclusory 
and subjective observations.


Agonal Ischemic Injury

	As can be seen by examining the patient's Agonal Vital 
Signs and Blood Oxygen Saturation Graphic, the patient 
sustained a prolonged and profound period of pre-mortem shock 
and hypoperfusion.  Further evidence of this is the marked 
elevation of the patient's alkaline phosphatase, lactate 
dehydrogenase (LDH), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) and 
aspartate transaminase (AST) nearly 18 hours before cardiac 
arrest (see Transport Serum Enzymes Graphic).  The sample 
drawn at 16:50 during Thumper support and immediately prior 
to going on bypass (78 minutes following cardiac arrest) is 
indicative of continuing ischemic injury.  The LDH has risen 
from 457 U/L at 23:00 on 02-04-1994 to 3276 U/L.  Similarly 
the AST has increased to 1694 U/L from 66 U/L and the ALT has 
increased to 479 U/L from 43 U/L.

	In fact, these increases are greater than they seem when 
hemodilution by transport medications is taken into account 
(see Transport Serum Enzymes Corrected for Hemodilution 
Graphic).  If such hemodilution is adjusted for by using the 
serum total protein value obtained at 23:00 as the baseline, 
and the values of  the serum enzymes obtained at other times 
are adjusted accordingly, it is clear that serum enzyme 
levels continue to rise more or less linearly with time, even 
during the period of bypass and total body washout.

	Similarly, the disproportionate rise in serum creatinine 
as compared to serum urea nitrogen from  23:00 to 16:50 is 
indicative of  rhabdomyolisis,  probably secondary to 
hypoperfusion of skeletal muscle in addition to the renal 
failure of dehydration.


	The patient was taking some daily p.o. anti-oxidant 
vitamins and minerals in the weeks prior to cardiac arrest 
which are known to be protective against  ischemia  
(1,2,3,4).  A precis of these supplements is not available to 
the author at this time, however they were known to include 
several  grams of vitamin C, 400 IU of alpha tocopherol 
acetate,  50,000 IU beta carotene, 200 mcg sodium selenite 
and a 50 mg  B-complex tablet.  Unfortunately, as is usually 
the case, the patient's deteriorating mental state and 
dehydration made continuation of these supplements during the 
last week or two of life virtually impossible.  However, it 
is probable that there were still modestly protective levels 
of the fat soluble anti-oxidants which the patient was taking 
still present at the time cardiac arrest occurred.

	Where the physician is cooperative and the patient would 
not be discomforted by it (i.e.,  is already obtunded or 
actively requests it) placement of a gastric tube to 
facilitate continued administration of fat-soluble 
antioxidants  and selected water soluble medications 
(Hydergeine, phenytonin) until the time of cardiac arrest or 
the beginning of agonal hypoperfusion/shock would be highly 
Need For In-Field Diagnostics Capability

	It is unfortunate that no labs were drawn during the 
interval between 23:00 on 02-04-1994 and 16:50 the following 
day.  In particular,  it would be of  great interest to know 
what fraction of the increase in serum tissue enzymes and 
creatinine occurred as a result of agonal hypoperfusion as 
opposed to post cardiac arrest ischemic injury.  Gathering 
such data and being able to evaluate it in real-time in the 
field (i.e., hospice, home hospice, nursing home, or 
hospital) might well prove very valuable in discerning 
markers or trends which will allow greater precision in 
predicting when cardiac arrest will occur.  This would allow 
for more cost-effective utilization of resources as well as 
greatly easing logistics and planning.

	In this case it would have been of special utility to 
have been able to evaluate renal function as assessed by 
serum urea nitrogen and creatinine, and urine specific 
gravity or osmolality.  This would have helped to better 
quantify the degree of dehydration the patient was 
experiencing and this in turn might well have lead to a 
modification of how the post-arrest period of  Thumper 
supported circulation was handled.

Improving Post Arrest Cardiopulmonary Support

	This patient showed a not untypical poor clinical 
response to Thumper support (5,6) (continuing cyanosis, 
pupillary unresponsiveness,  end-tidal CO2 of 0.5%, etc.) and 
this poor response was subsequently confirmed when laboratory 
analysis of the blood sample drawn after 76 minutes of 
Thumper support disclosed a serum glucose of 11 mg/dl.  It 
might have been of benefit to have immediately performed a 
cut-down of the external jugular vein and placed a large-bore 
(14 g) catheter through which large volumes of crystalloid 
and colloid could have been administered to facilitate more 
rapid post-arrest rehydration.  This might have markedly 
improved this patient's hemodynamic  response to closed-chest 
cardiac compression and may well have been worth the trade-
off of a delay of 10-15 minutes in initiating the start of 
extracorporeal support.

	Early, large-bore venous access would also have allowed 
more rapid administration of high volume, high viscosity 
transport medications, in particular dextran-40.  As it was, 
administration of dextran-40 was not possible until the start 
of bypass, over 80 minutes after external cooling had begun.  
Earlier administration of dextran-40 might have helped reduce 
the degree of cold-agglutination and failed cryoprotective 
perfusion observed in the patient's skin (which was in early, 
direct contact with ice and thus most likely to be affected 
by cold agglutination).

	A still better alternative would have been to have had 
large-bore venous catheter placement (via cutdown) proceed in 
parallel with preparations for femoral-femoral bypass.  To 
this end, several members of the BPI field team have 
undergone training in peripheral venous cutdown with more 
training scheduled for the near future.  

	The use of active compression-decompression CPR (ACD-
CPR) might also provide special benefit in patients such as 
this one who are suffering from dehydration and loss of 
vascular tone which result in poor refill of the heart with 
blood during the relaxation phase of the CPR duty cycle.  
Active decompression of the chest using the Ambu Cardiopump 
or a mechanical system developed to deliver ACD-CPR might 
greatly improve cardiac output in all cryopreservation 
patients (7,8,9).

	An unusual feature of this patient's extracorporeal 
support was the high MAP encountered at very low flow rates 
(see Transport Extracorporeal Perfusion Mean Arterial 
Pressure Vs. Arterial Flow Graphic): less than 1/4th of 
resting cardiac output for a man with the patient's surface 
area.  This may have been due to the use of high dose 
epinephrine or perhaps due to peripheral vasoconstriction 
during the long period of agonal shock.  It is interesting to 
note that that patient's MAP and arterial flowrate during 
cryoprotective perfusion (and after a long period of cold 
ischemia), wherein only the  head and chest wall were 
perfused,  was far more physiologic (for the tissue volume 
perfused): MAP was 60 mmHg at a flow rate of  1100 cc/min.

	As examination of this patient upon arrival at the 
cryoprotective perfusion facility showed, the patient 
sustained additional  insult in the form of  skeletal muscle 
rigor during the hours of  cold-ischemic ground 
transportation.  The primary reason this patient was not 
provided with continuous extracorporeal support during the 
drive from Sunnyvale, CA to Rancho Cucamonga, CA was the 
unwillingness of the patient to relocate to housing which 
would have allowed for use of the Mobile Advanced Life 
Support System (MALSS).  As it was, it was not even possible 
to remove the patient from his condominium where cardiac 
arrest occurred on a stretcher --  it was necessary to carry 
the patient out in a body-bag due to the restrictive layout 
of the home and the steep flight of stairs approaching it.

	A further complication was the patient's HIV status 
which would have meant that the bypass circuit would either 
have had to have been disassembled, removed from the dwelling 
and reassembled on the MALSS in the confined space of the BPI 
ambulance, or another circuit/oxygenator would have had to 
have been set up and femoral-femoral bypass reinstated after 
the patient was moved into the vehicle.  Because of the 
expense, the extra risk to personnel (particularly in going 
on bypass in the crowded confines of the ambulance) and the 
likely added delay in re-establishing extracorporeal support, 
it was decided to transport the patient without continued 
perfusion.  Yet another limitation to restarting bypass was 
the psychological and physical state of the staff who would 
also be required to carry out cryoprotective perfusion after 
arrival in Southern California.  Most of these personnel had 
been without adequate sleep for days and all of them had been 
working continually under high pressure to stabilize the 
patient for over 8 hours.

	Another alternative would have been to charter an air 
ambulance to facilitate rapid transportation of the patient  
and personnel from Sunnyvale to Rancho Cucamonga. It is not 
clear whether the cost of  approximately $5000 is worth the 
benefit of a decrease in cold ischemic injury and avoidance 
of rigor.

	Clearly,  the best solution in this case would have been 
for the patient to have relocated or have been relocated to a 
more accessible home environment which would have allowed 
extracorporeal support to have been initiated using the 
MALSS, or better still to have relocated closer to the 
cryoprotective perfusion facility.

	In addition to obtaining more blood samples during the 
agonal period, it would also have been of tremendous benefit 
to not only draw lab samples at more frequent intervals 
during transport, but to be able to at least evaluate such 
samples for blood glucose. (this was not done at the time 
owing to limitations of staffing.)  It is clear that the 
patient's transport blood glucose of 11 mg/dg was a result of 
grossly inadequate perfusion during closed-chest cardiac 
compression.  What is not clear is whether or not 
administration of glucose to raise blood sugar under such 
conditions of trickle-flow would be beneficial.  It is a very 
well established fact that administration of  excess glucose 
during reperfusion following ischemia, or the presence of 
hyperglycemia prior to ischemia is associated with 
exacerbation of cerebral ischemic injury and a dismal 
clinical outcome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation 
(10,11,12).  Current transport protocol calls for evaluation 
of blood glucose and its adjustment during transport (13).  
This recommendation may need to be re-evaluated in situations 
such as this one where perfusion during Thumper support is 
clearly inadequate.

Larger Volumes of TBW Solution Needed

	TBW with 8-liters of Viaspan was not adequate as was 
indicated by the presence of significant amounts of red cells 
during open-circuit flush with 5% (v/v) glycerol perfusate at 
the start of  cryoprotective perfusion.  While the use of an 
additional 2-liters of Viaspan would have been helpful, it is 
apparent that, especially in larger individuals and in 
patients whose blood is hyperviscous due to disease (Bence 
Jones) or dehydration, larger volumes of washout solution 
(20-liters) should be used where feasible.  While the cost of 
Viaspan makes its use in appropriate quantities problematic, 
if not prohibitive, in many situations it should be possible 
to prepare perfusate from dry components in the field a day 
or so prior to use and refrigerate it, or better still, to 
prepare in-house sterile perfusate which is ready to use and 
which has a shelf-life (with refrigeration) of  1-2 years or 
longer.  BPI is pursuing both these alternatives.

Inhibiting Cold Ischemic Rigor

	A major limitation of current chill/flush-store organ 
preservation solutions is their ineffectiveness in preserving 
muscle (14).  Virtually all published studies documenting 
this lack of effectiveness relate to hypothermic cardiac 
preservation since skeletal muscle is not normally preserved 
for clinical use.  The author's experience in this case,  in 
addition to his experiences with  Alcor Foundation patient's 
subjected to prolonged cold-ischemia following TBW in both 
published  (15), and unpublished  case reports (see for 
example unpublished case reports A-1165, A-1169, and A-1367) 
demonstrates clearly that skeletal muscle is also intolerant 
of prolonged cold-ischemia.  A possible solution to this 
problem which BPI has been actively investigating for nearly 
2 -years is the use of  an inhibitor of the actin-myosin 
contractile molecular machinery, 2-3-butane dione monoxime,  
which has shown promise in facilitating cold-ischemic cardiac 
preservation for periods of up to 24-hours (16).


	Overall,  it is the author's opinion that this patient 
received a very high quality transport and cryoprotective 
perfusion within the limitations imposed by the current 
legal, medical and financial environment.  In particular, 
this transport was free from any significant problems in 
terms of failure of equipment, deviation from desired 
protocol, and/or failure of, or injury to,  personnel.  The 
patient (brain) reached a high terminal  venous concentration 
of glycerol, and ischemic injury as indicated by tissue 
enzyme release was within the range of that experienced 
during the best of the transports the author has participated 
in during his tenure with the Alcor Foundation (see 
unpublished Alcor Case Report on patient A-1049 and case data 
on patient A-1260).

	Where the attending physician is cooperative and the 
patient's condition permits it, pre-medication via feeding 
tube should be continued at least up until the time the 
patient becomes frankly agonal.  Similarly, the availability 
of in-field diagnostics capability will probably help to 
better determine the agonal course and contain costs and 
facilitate preparedness.  Deployment of a more effective 
premedication protocol should also be a priority.

	Earlier, more aggressive rehydration and the use of  
ACD-CPR may facilitate better closed-chest cardiopulmonary 
support in future patients.  Larger volumes of TBW perfusate 
are clearly desirable, and the use of a washout perfusate 
containing and inhibitor(s) of rigor may also be desirable. 
Where possible, continuous extracorporeal support during 
ground transportation should be used to provide oxygen and 
substrate to the patient's tissues and in particular to the 
brain and skeletal and cardiac muscle in whole body patients.


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