X-Message-Number: 29625
From: "John de Rivaz" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re:  More on marketing 
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 11:15:13 +0100

re a church like organisation for cryonics:

> However, no financial support for even exploring this concept has
> ever materialized.

No one ever got rich over cryonics, and probably never will. The Venturists, 
I should have thought, fill the specification of being a church like 
organisation, and that only survives through the enthusiasm of its two 
founders. http://www.venturist.org

I don't think any proposal that involves members sending the proposer money 
to fulfil his idea is likely to amass enough money to be worthwhile.

The only money that will change hands in cryonics is from cryonicists to 
their cryonics service providers, either directly or via life insurance 
companies. The latter, of course, are making money from cryonics but the 
amount in relation to their other business is so small as to be 
insignificant. Likewise any fees earned by members of the legal professions 
in relation to cryonics will loom large in the accounts of the individual 
involved, but again are trivial in relation to the income of these 
professions as a whole.

Many churches accrete a relatively large membership before they start 
collecting money.

In the meantime, cryonics service providers get finance from bequests above 
the minimum cryopreservation fees. As many cryonicists are single people, or 
signed as couples, this inward flow will not abate. Funds sent to publicity 
or other support organisations, whether by bequest or otherwise, will only 
detract from this important funding to service providers.  There is no point 
in having funded some other project to have your CSP go bust whilst you are 
under cryopreservation.

Sincerely, John de Rivaz:  http://John.deRivaz.com for websites including
Cryonics Europe, Longevity Report, The Venturists, Porthtowan, Alec Harley
Reeves - inventor, Arthur Bowker - potter, de Rivaz genealogy,  Nomad .. and

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