X-Message-Number: 30366
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:43:55 -0800 (PST)
From: Phil Ossifur <>
Subject: CONTEXT FOR CRYONICS-- semantic frames and thought control

Here is a post by a group attempting to control the
context in which I view cryonics, and in which I
recommend other cryonicist at least consider viewing
cryonics-- who are attempting to disallow me the
ability to remain anonymous-- which I prefer-- at
least to the public at large-- since many cryos know
who I am.


The nature of this group is that they certainly do
track everything I post to the net-- and they
mis-identify the crucial features of the situation on
purpose in order to try to discredit my point of view.
This is clear evidence that the entire cryonics
community and the observers of the cryonics industry
are being subjected to a form of thought control.

I've been ruminating on the nature of thought
control-- as an amateur-- for years-- and the latest
notion that strikes as useful to look at in this
regard is "semantic framing". When words are used,
they trigger other words-- and so on-- until you get
the ability to trigger an entire mind-frame-- where
even emotions and actions are affected.

As I've indicated before, for that past 7 years-- I
consider the analyses that I read useful to the
cryonics community in terms of the larger picture---
dealing with the world at large. These people who hunt
for me and threaten to publish my real name-- and
associate with their own view of my views-- exposing
my real life identity on purpose to make trouble for
me-- which is exactly what their intent is-- is
exactinly CONSISTENT with, ironically, the fabric of
mind that has overtaken cryonics. 

I'm posting here on the outside chance that there is
ONE sane person left in cryonics who can see through
this-- and assist me in being able to continue to
express my views without being continually threatened
by this group of insane cryonicists who seek to damage
my personal real life. The claim that I'm "defaming"
cryonics or somehow hurting cryonics is totally
false-- because cryonics, right now depends on a good
LN2 supply and a stable monetary system... just like
everything else. I'm presenting the problem and the

If anyone has any information on who these people are,
you may email me. I'd like to gather that info so that
I can pursue legal defense in the future. Thanks. --Philossifur.

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