X-Message-Number: 30447
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2008 05:36:22 -0800 (PST)
From: Phil Ossifur <>
Subject: FINANCIAL CRASH-- FDIC's bank deathwatch
Here's an important article that
wider-demension-thinking cryos should be able to read
and understand regarding the financial crash that is
on now-- that started June 2007.
Cryonics is inherently oriented to a viable future--
where civilization continues. And yet cryonicists are
completely devoid of comprehension fo the this
historical crash of civilization-- which can be
stopped or at least controlled and moderated-- using
the methods and analysis of Lyndon Larouche.
This financial crash is the single most important
number one topic now-- and I point the Larouche people
to this cryonics discussion group to show how
presumably intelligent people have been hoodwinked
into a system of thought that acts in a counter-active
way to their stated interests.
Whether or not this famous cryonics newsgroup
survives, my objective here is to point saner minds to
the core of where cryonics minds tend to spar... and
to point out that I was the sole voice-- that drew
attention to the problem from this perspective-- that
Ettinger's and Eve Coopers's original thesis in 1963--
It failed because everyone who was attracted to
cryonics bought into the idea of self-interest to such
a degree that they completely denied the "interest of
the other"-- including their own anti-entropic
nation-state-- the "container" in which the general
welfare could be sustained that would allow the
cryonics mission to be carried out.
The wealthy people interested in cryonics, as you can
see, are silent. They have an interest in "their
money"-- which is spawned by the FED-- or dependent
ultimately on physical economy-- without recognizing
the foundation of "their money". They became,
effectively, "insane"-- as they accumulated their
money-- and the real economy fell apart.
My only satisfaction at this particular point in time
is that I understand, more than anyone in cryonics,
what happened here. This isn't to say that I
understand the problem sufficiently, but as you can
see, some members in cryonics community are concerned
with the way Alcor is set up-- But from our
perspective as Classical Humanists, we can see the
dimensions of the problem are much wider and deeper
that that. Alcor's non-responsiveness is actually
simply a symptom of the deeper problem.
I want to point out that Larouche himself didn't
reject the idea of perfected suspended animation-- but
he did point to HOW the foundation can be laid for
work in this area-- through the General Welfare.
Cryonics is inherently non-productive in terms of
increasing potential relative population density-- yet
cryos inherently refuse to "see" this point.
I'll update the CryoNet archives periodically with
comments for Larouche Cryonics Youth of the Future--
most of whom do not exist as I write this-- but who
may be able to rescue ME from what is at this moment,
my future frozen state at Alcor. I would ask Larouche
Cryonics Youth of the Future to consider my
reanimation and restoring of my archives which on on
blu ray laser-- (intended to be anyway)-- to consider
the situation-- and we'll get together hopefully
around 2525 AD. I'd like to meet at the 10,000 year
clock-- and we'll resurrect the rest of the cryos one
by one-- certainly taking time to re-educate them.
In the meantime, if you're a cryo, read the piece
linked above and then re-educate yourself NOW-- at
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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
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