X-Message-Number: 30510
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 06:28:46 -0800 (PST)
From: Phil Ossifur <>
Subject: ALCOR DEMOCRACY-- Dave Pizer's Blog

Dave Pizer's leadership on the matter of Alcor
Democracy is the biggest issue in cryonics so far in
2008. The most effective way for a leader to
communicate to the followers in the age of the
internet-- as of now-- is a blog. Dave has the
beginings of a blog about this issue-- here--->


CryoNet is still useful to the exent that we can use
it as a switchboard of sorts for the more detailed
blogs of cryonicists. I've been arguing that since
january 2006. Short of that, you can look in the
author index of Cryonet for what are effectively
Cryonet blogs. For example, we're all waiting for Mike
Darwin to make a comment about his assumed
responsibility for dumpting the Alcor Director
Electorate system and replacing it with a
Self-electing board around 1986 or so-- which
over-rode the bylaws as written by Fred Chamberlain in
1976. Mike "owes" Alcor members a public explanation
for this very soon-- in a timely manner-- in a
framework that can be seen as a subpeona-- because
this entire thing is going to "go legal" in my

Here's Mike Darwin's effective Cryonet Blog

I now call on Mike Darwin to testify here on Cryonet
or in Dave's blog above-- regarding his assumed
responsibility for the dumping of the bylaws in 1985.
I would like to see CPlatt do his own blog to do thise
updates-- or to use Cryonet to keep Alcor members
informed on at least a weekly basis on this issue--
since the next Alcor board meeting is likely to be

I'm an Alcor member but I think I speak for all the
other lobotamized members-- out of the loop on this--
when I say-- we are OWED an explanation and full
historical account here-- and that we can do this the
easy way... or the other way. 

Mike-- You have the mic.

We're waiting. 

      Be a better friend, newshound, and 

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

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