X-Message-Number: 3058 From: Date: Sun, 04 Sep 94 21:37:19 EDT Subject: SCI. CRYONICS Donaldson, knunan 1. Again on the topic of cryonics research and Thomas Donaldson's latest remarks (#3055): I don't quite understand Thomas' remark about an "unhealthy temptation" possibly developing on the part of an organization acting as a funnel of money for cryonics research. In any case, I certainly have no desire to be, or to have CI or IS be, such a funnel. CI and IS are doing, and will continue to do, whatever we can to conduct or support research that we think has potential value, naturally using our own criteria of judgment. All advice will be welcome and all results made public. Any money will also be welcome, and if directed to the Immortalist Society is tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Cryonics community cooperation for shared sponsorship and pooled funds is a much harder problem, and all I can say is that CI and IS will look carefully at any proposals. One obvious possibility is that Thomas himself be the funnel, if he has the time and strength for that; but even in that case I'm sure each organization and individual will set up his own hurdles for Thomas to jump. Again, CI and IS will try to give serious consideration to any proposals. 2. Someone whose address is <> has said (# 3056) that (s)he has friends "who have frozen and thawed successfully a number of animals with this technique" (involving hyperbaric oxygen, but unclear in many respects). The posting also seems to contain misinformation about freezing damage, but let's pass that for the moment. The main question is, what animals were "frozen" and thawed successfully and to what temperatures and for how long etc.? Would the writer--who says he is making serious comments--be kind enough to supply some of this information? Robert Ettinger Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=3058