X-Message-Number: 30597 From: Kennita Watson <> Subject: FDGD Travelogue Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 04:00:50 -0600 My first day at Frozen Dead Guy Days went pretty well. I handed out 58 surveys, even with a much softer sell that I think will result in a larger percentage of usable surveys. Sunday is usually much lighter than Saturday, so I'll be lucky if I equal last year's total of 91 surveys. I haven't checked the numbers, but it looks like a much smaller percentage than last year gave contact information (probably because of the soft-sell; I think I got fewer people filling out the survey in slap-dash fashion just to get a shot at the CryoBear. My first-day results for my press release are: 39380/535/0/11/3 39380 total headline impressions 535 total read activity 0 email forwards 11 printer friendly pageviews 3 pdf downloads Not stellar, but not bad given that I sent out the release one day before the event that it refers to (too late for most papers to print a story). Why so late? Because I'd been planning not to do a press release because I had nothing newsworthy to report. Newfound affiliation with a non-profit was enough (given that PRWeb notes having been in business for five years as sufficient cause for a PR). IAC, here's the press release: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2008/03/prweb745584.htm Interesting exchange: one lady found the idea interesting, but was afraid she'd come back as a zombie. I had a number of heartening exchanges with people who seemed to "get it" about cryonics, and none of the really disheartening faith- based ones, though there were some who seemed pessimistic about the future and quite a few who wanted to see more progress in revival (couldn't argue with them there). I left the surveys out overnight, in hopes that at least one might get filled out in my absence. I apologized for the video quality before each showing, and got a few expressions of sympathy and no overt negative reactions. I'm pretty sore, and have a sore throat, so I'd better get to bed. I need to get up at about 0730 so I can get breakfast and be at the booth at 0930 (my "Back At" clock says 1000, but better to be early). Cheers, Kennita -- Relativity: A grook with no reference whatever to the two-party system To wear a shirt that's relatively clean, You needn't ever launder off the dirt If you possess two shirts to choose between and always change into the cleaner shirt. -- Piet Hein Live long and prosper, Kennita Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=30597