X-Message-Number: 30681
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 06:16:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: Phil Ossifur <>
Subject: FINAL POST-- End of PhilOsssifur

Let's reminisce for a moment, shall we? Take a quick
scan of my posts to Cryonet over the past while....


Despite my pointing you all in useful directions,
you've turned that opportunity down. I think it might
very well have to do with the subconcious mind. I'm
looking at mind control more and more lately-- and
it's looking to me as though we're more programmable
than we've thought. The problem is-- what are we
programming ourselves with? That's where I'm going
over the next while.... and to do that, I'm retiring

I'll leave you with one final observation. I now view
EVERYONE-- each of you individually and all of you in
various associated groups-- as on a "death curve"--
because you have rejected or been unable to grasp the
notion that the success of cryonics DEPENDS on the
continuation of a certain kind of world. What has
happened in cryonics has happened in a lot of
subcultures in the USA and around the world-- and that
is-- you've all become mind-trapped in a British
psy-op. This isn't to say cryonics isn't valid-- but
rather that there's MORE to cryonics than cryonics.
CRyonics is SITUATED in the world at large-- and it's
INHERENTLY an interest of cryonicists to CAUSE  and
CREATE a future humanity that can function
successfully in a way that adopts cryonics as a
mission. The way cryonicists as whole are operating--
NEGATES that higher mission-- and that's tantamount to
preforming a LOBOTOMY on the entire CIVILIZATION! 

The so called "foresight" of the "foresight institute"
and all the so-called "transhumanism"-- all of it-- is
CONSISTENT-- if not backed by British EMPIRICISTS who
ultimately intend to depopulate the world. You've all
been duped. I'm not trying to be a dominant braggart
here-- I'm trying to alert EVERY single one of you
that cryonicists are being duped... and it's not
working because we're on the wrong CURVE-- a curvature
of human history-- and to set that right-- there are
two requirement--

1. Be willing to AT LEAST seriously entertain the
IDEAS in Classical humanism that call for increased
potential population density-- rather than the
genocide plans that you're all COOPERATING with by

2. Once you drop that pretense of being futurists when
you're really being duped into THINKING you're
futurists when in fact you've been brainwashed-- THEN
at least read up on THE CLASSICAL HISTORY that
cryonics is consistent with... through Larouche-- who
is NOT who his ENEMIES say he is-- It's a trick-- to
believe his enemies and you've all fallen for it--
From the following link, you can JOIN THE HUMAN FAMILY
AND save cryonics


For how that relates to cryonics, see the article
published in Alcor's Cryonics magazine in 2002--
titled "An Introduction to Classical Futurehumanism".


Now-- I shall ease up on my interactin in the digital
realm-- and move into analog world for the time
being-- This is my last post here-- You behaviorists
who wish to believe that my "behavior has been
extinguised" might ponder that everytime you read the
Larouche site, my spirit is there-- and you're
actually joining my mind.  Check. And mate. 

PhilO (after PhilO of Alexandria-- who plotted the
downfall of the roman empire with Jesus-- and who
invented the Trinity as a psychoanalytical tool of the
human mind)

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.  

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