X-Message-Number: 30736
Date: Sat, 17 May 2008 06:33:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Phil Ossifur <>
Subject: Google blogsearch on keyword 'cryonics'

If you're a CryoNet reader, you should reconsider what
you consider to be the main watering hole for cryonics
now-- which is NOT Cryonet anymore-- It's Google
blogsearch under keyword cryonics-- here are today's
results.... use google.com-- and go to blogs-- and
type in cryonics-- or subscribe to google email alerts
using keyword cryonics.. and to appear on the results,
start a blog. Alterntiavely, simply comment in the
existing blogs. The medium is the message! 

Google Blogs Alert for: cryonics

Preserving the dead in warm biostasis
By George(George) 
Such a form of warm biostasis would not only produce a
true molecular alternative to cryonics, it would also
enable long-duration space travel and could be
employed as a means to provide trauma care in
emergency situations. ...
Sentient Developments -

Mark Spiewak started a discussion called Is cryonics a
science ...
Mark Spiewak Mark Spiewak started a discussion called
Is cryonics a science-fiction? in Space Art.
Latest Activity on artreview.com -

Are you reading Google blogsearch under cryonics?
By Bon(Bon) 
I'd like to survey this little area of the interent--
by asking those who get this post either in their
email via Google blogsearch using the Google blog
email alert-- or who survey the google blogsearch
under keyword cryonics-- to post ...

A Response To The Type Of Blog Commenters Who Would
Fail My Turing ...
By Hopefully Anonymous 
And Vladimir, my interest in cryonics isn't contingent
on it having a 50% probability of success as opposed
to a .0001% chance of success, except to the degree I
should invest in it as part of persistence maximizing
strategy ...
Hopefully Anonymous -

Cryonics: Death in the Deep Freeze
By Taro 
Download this video! addthis_url =

addthis_title =
'Cryonics%3A+Death+in+the+Deep+Freeze'; addthis_pub
Underdog Cinema - http://underdogcinema.com

Episode 23: Preservation
By  (Chemical... 
And producer Eric Mack visits Nederland, Colorado, for
Frozen Dead Guy Days where cryogenics and cryonics are
discussed very seriously. Arguably Nederland's most
famous resident is the Frozen Dead Guy, Bredo Morstel.
Distillations - http://distillations.chemheritage.org

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