X-Message-Number: 30755
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 03:53:08 -0700
From: Edgar Swank <>
Subject: Oil "shortage"

I must respond to David Stodolsky msg #30754

> Unless you have identified the source of the problem, it is impossible  
> to prepare for it. A physical shortage would require one response,  
> perhaps stockpiling. A shortage triggered by the greed of monopoly  
> capitalists, who withholds supplies, requires another, perhaps  
> political action to regulate speculation.

Stockpiling is exactly what the "greedy speculators" are doing. They are 
buying oil futures because they believe the price will be higher in the 

The main reason they believe that is because ours is the only GOVERNMENT 
that restricts production of oil in our own territory. I'm talking about 
ANWR and the Florida and California coasts. Also tar sands in  Utah. 
This is because our congress caters to environmentalist whackos and 
species traitors who care more about wildlife than human well-being. 
Monopolies are only effective when protected by governments. Only 
governments can resort to force. Private business, without government 
help, can only try to persuade.

Edgar W. Swank   <>
Phone: 408-227-3471
Cell:  408-605-4721
FAX:   810-277-7274

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