X-Message-Number: 3076 Date: 07 Sep 94 10:55:08 EDT From: "Steven B. Harris" <> Subject: CRYONICS.SCI Quantum Reality Sept. 7, 1994 Dear Cryonet: If I can put my two cents in here about the question of determinism, I have to say that I do not understand the reasoning behind Dr. Ettinger's comment: >>Now about Mr. Zimov's points. On the possibility of irreversibility with determinism, he is technically right-- but trivially. In the real world, the interconnections are so numerous and complex that there is hardly ever more than one solution.<< On the contrary, it seems to me that a great many examples exist to the contrary. Each time two gas molecules or liquid molecules scatter off each other, for instance, we have at least 3 different kinds of problems standing in the way of determining their former state: 1) The chaos problem: even if the world is completely Newtonian and totally deterministic (like a bunch of billiard balls rolling about on a billiard table), it is possible to show that in a very short time even ridiculously small effects are magnified by the effects of chaos into very large effects. With billiard balls, after only 5 or 6 ricochets, we're into the range where nap of the felt and dust on the balls makes gross differences, for instance. At longer times, such things continue to amplify exponentially. We're all familiar with the "butterfly effect" whereby in computer weather simulations the beating of the wings of a butterfly (or not) may make or stop a hurricane in another hemisphere 6 months later. Magnification of chaotic effects with even realistic Newtonian assumptions cause all kinds of things like this to happen on time-scales of the kind we deal with in cryonics. Remember that the clock does not stop for these kinds of things when someone is frozen. Imagine, for example, that a free particle in a damaged brain is driven willy-nilly in a "random walk" by the Brownian motion of water molecules during ischemia, and our repair problem a century or two later is to predict where it came from, by strictly motion analysis criteria. We assume here (not unrealistically for many situations, I think) that damage has been so extensive that it is not obvious where it came from by other kinds of inferences-- in other words, here the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are too small for the markings on them or the shape of them to help us in construction of the puzzle. Our problem with doing motion analysis is that all the solvent molecules which formerly moved the fragment or particle of interest about, have themselves long since been stopped by outside forces, and are now *also* frozen in place. It is as though we were required to infer the long-ago motion of billiard balls in a particular game *after* the balls had been neatly racked and put away-- or at least stopped. Now, in principle it might still be possible to do this in a Newtonian world, but the calculation obviously would have to include the motions of the agent which stopped the balls, and in the case of the cooled human body, THAT part of the system would be the collection of molecules which absorbed the heat when the body was initially cooled. This means that in order to infer deterministically what happened in our frozen cryonaut long ago, we need to know not only about the molecules the cryonaut's body is composed of and their motions, but *also* we need to know the motions of the molecules of the coolant nitrogen which was evolved as gas and lost to the atmosphere during cool-down a century before-- nitrogen whionian world, but the calculation obviously would have to include the motions of the agent which stopped the balls, and in the case of the cooled human body, THAT part of the system would be the collection of molecules which absorbed the heat when the body was initially cooled. This means that in order to infer deterministically what happened in our frozen cryonaug freely in time since the freezing and will have spread over the entire planet, at minimum, by the time we need to look at it! Butterfly effect indeed! Does all this sound like something to be optimistic over? 2) The above is a mere problem of practicality, but much worse is to follow from both Heisenberg and Epicurus. If we can find all the molecules today that have been affected by the cool-down of a cryonaut centuries ago, including all that warm nitrogen and whatever it has come in contact with since, we still need to measure positions and momenta of all the molecules to a very high order of accuracy to know what they've been doing. The problem, however, is that we cannot do this because we are limited by the uncertainty principle. The basic problem is that the universe is composed of particles which have a wave nature which limits the accuracy of where they can be said to be, exactly, according to how precisely we know their momenta. This is true not only for the particles that we wish to "see," but also true for the particles we wish to use to "see" them with. In the end, there is a limit to available knowledge in this area. Heisenberg and his uncertainty principle aside, it seems obvious even that the graininess in the structure of measurement devices imposed by the fact that measurement devices must themselves be made of atoms, also imposes fundamental limits on the accuracy of measurement. 3) Finally, there is full quantum mechanical problem of irreversibility (information loss) in events, which is caused by collapse of the Shroedinger psi wave function. Quantum mechanics often hides the past by declaring that outcomes depend probabilisticly on intermediate states which can be created in any of numerous ways, as was noted. But this is common, not rare. Again, when gas or liquid molecules scatter off each other, for instance, the direction of the outgoing atoms for each scattering event is not determined completely and uniquely by the trajectories of the incoming atoms, for the scattering patterns produced are diffraction-like interference patterns (indicating probabilistic outcomes for single events), and some of the information about initial states is lost whenever there is (as here) more than one possible quantum outcome which satisfies conservation laws. Every possible scattering possiblity in a diffraction pattern does. Dr. Ettinger has said that to him randomness in the objective sense--partial or otherwise--seems a meaningless term, and that he has "never read or heard a definition or explanation of objective randomness that was coherent or intelligible, let alone persuasive." But randomness in quantum mechanics merely means that an event may happen one of many possible ways, and not another possible way, for no reason at all, or at least for no reason that has anything to do with local physical conditions. Here "possible" means possible within the constraints of conservation and other laws, and "local" means conditions at the point of the event, or within a distance accessible at the speed of light if a series of events evolves over time. This is a coherent and intelligible statement about causality, so far as I can see. Dr. Ettinger may not like it or its implications, but it is not gibberish. Moreover, there is something else which we can say about the a-causal idea since the experiments of Alan Aspect in the early 1980's, as interpreted by Bell: the idea is found to be experimentally true in at least some circumstances in the universe we live in. Thus, ultimately, whether quantum mechanics fails or triumphs as a complete description of nature, either quantum mechanics or whatever theory replaces quantum mechanics must still deal with clear experimental results which show that sometimes experimental results are not determined by local conditions. At present, we do not know whether these results are determined by non-local conditions or if they are not determined by any conditions anywhere and are truly random (i.e., happen one way and not another possible way for no reason at all). But experiment shows that it is one way or the other, and either of these ways bodes ill for the prospect of determining initial conditions in the past from the results of any measurement in the present. If there is no strict causality at all, then such efforts to determine causes in all events are obviously doomed. If, on the other hand, quantum causality is non-local, relativistic considerations suggest that it cannot be the kind of "causality" which we are used to, or which is accessible in terms of distance, or which is useful in prediction or retro-diction. Either way, determinism in any useful form is not in the cards. Or, if you will, in the dice. ---- All of the above problems apply to any interaction in which quantum effects become important, and quantum events include very simple things like Brownian diffusion of brain debris in liquids, chemical breakdown of bonds in synapse molecules, and so forth. Basically, any damage of memory coding structures to the point that their reconstruction requires mathematical reversal and decontruction of primarily diffusional or kinetic changes, has almost certainly gone too far, and the information once present will be irretrievable. Given the demonstrable non-Newtonian nature of the atomic world, realistic optimism as to the theoretical recoverability of the memory of cryonically preserved suspended persons must be based upon this assumption: that all brain damage presently incurred during ischemia, perfusion, and freezing is of the type that memory coding structures remain reconstructible on the robust basis that all significant fragments of neuronal tissue are large enough, and complex enough, that their orientation and integration during life is *entirely* inferable from their final present resting position and remaining structural features after freezing. Given the blasted lunar landscape appearance of electron micrographs of even the most carefully and quickly perfused and frozen animal brains at the present time, I have some doubts that these criteria will be met for humans who are preserved even under the best and fastest and most expensive standby and transport protocols now used in cryonics---let alone in humans allowed to lie around warm for hours after death, perfused haphazardly by inexperienced morticians, put on commercial airliners without special hurry, and finally flown to some nameless firm's door for freezing at their convenience. Yes, I know that Dr. Ettinger disagrees. I understand that he is actually about to bet his own identity on the matter, by arranging to subject his own brain in the not too distant future to man~ana-style cryonics in Arizona, before shipment to Michigan. <sigh>. I wish him luck, but I suspect that if he doesn't change his attitude about the elasticity of physical laws, he may after the penultimate trump be put together more by coin-flipping than puzzle-solving. That would not be the fate I would wish for the man who more than anyone else alive is responsible for the fact that today some of us take the idea of cryonics-- in any form-- seriously. Steve Harris Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=3076