X-Message-Number: 31008
From: "John de Rivaz" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: Warning for All Cryonicists
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2008 10:53:04 +0100

What a ghastly expression - "shake loose the money". Why not use your own, it is
your idea. If it is so marvellous borrow some from the regular channels. Who 
knows, you may end up "The Bill Gates of cryonics". 

If it would actually work, maybe one of the two cryonics service providers would
take it up. Maybe the reason they haven't is because the legalities don't tie 
up. Both have legal advisors.

[this refers back to http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/dsp.cgi?msg=30508 ]

What is also needed is some tangible benefit for membership that is worth having
in its own right. 

The lawyers consulted would probably say that this is life insurance by another 
name - the legislation set up to control life insurance is very widely drafted. 
Unfortunately I doubt that there is a lawyer on this list both able and willing 
to comment informally. What is needed first is some idea from a cryonicist with 
legal knowledge whether this will not attract hostile attention from life 
insurance regulators. Only with this is it worth spending the tens of thousands 
needed with lawyers for a detailed compliance with whatever regulations apply.

Separate entities would have to be set up in every legislature within which 
members live, but obviously it would just be started in the USA.

Also, it is attractive to people whose 10% of income is small, and unattractive 
to those whose 10% is large. Therefore most of the members would be the former. 
There may be a few wealthy people with aversion to government and tax who might 
feel it worthwhile, but there are other perfectly legal tax avoidance policies 
and "products" that they may consider bringing more immediate benefit. Bear in 
mind that to be successful it would have be marketed to people who are new to 
the idea of cryonics.

Sincerely, John de Rivaz:  http://John.deRivaz.com for websites including
Cryonics Europe, Longevity Report, The Venturists, Porthtowan, Alec Harley
Reeves - inventor, Arthur Bowker - potter, de Rivaz genealogy,  Nomad .. and

Message #31007
From: David Stodolsky <>
Subject: Re: Warning for All Cryonicists
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 21:27:38 +0200

Looks like this is one more argument for my proposal of prepaid  
collective coverage.

Is there someone who can shake loose the money to try this, or do we  
have to see many more disasters and last minute fundraising efforts?

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