X-Message-Number: 31065 From: Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 09:32:20 EDT Subject: An even shorter note to Flav, off topic warning. Hello, LOL! I am glad you are a fan, Flav. :) Would you like to divulge your personal cryonics funding arrangements either here publicly on cryonet-- or if you prefer individually and privately to me-- to see if they are genuinely more cost effective, both now and over time, than the hundreds of carriers I have access to? Do you really want to get in a public shooting match with me? On this topic? Because you know more about this, along with everything else you know, than I do? Or because you can document that you have helped so many hundreds of people make intelligent long term choices and secure their cryonics funding? In short, WTF is WRONG with you? I like scrutiny...we all need it to maintain high integrity and quality control. Potshots by anonymous posters who may or may not have full knowledge of all factors are less helpful...but these aren't particularlty problematic. Flav's postings usually make me laugh. And Flav, to his credit, does occasionally have some helpful postings on cryonet. Although why in the world he is so mean spirited to me I certainly do not know. Maybe he doesn't understand or like sales and business. Flav, I am sorry if I ticked you off, or you have ever had a bad business or sales experience in your life. I don't have the time for a flame war with you on cryonet. What if I apologize for trying to provide value for value transactions and earn a living and we both move on? Not that this is particularly on topic, but I will briefly explain what may seem to be "disconnect" on my signature afffiliation line. I am currently and have been for years an atheist. I used to say atheist/agnostic/skeptic/bright/ethical secular humanist because the "a" word has such unfortunate baggage. I remain on the board of the Salvation Army for at least two good reasons. The first is that the SA does truly and genuinely good work to help people in need. They have an astounding infrastructure developed over many decades to provide efficient and direct services to literally thousands of people. Corny as this may sound, I think they are doing good work and I feel I have contributed to this. The second is to have a first hand insider's knowledge of what the dangerous religious right is doing in our country. I find the theology of the SA retrograde, medieval, superstitious, mythological, and ignorant. But the good they are doing far outweighs, in my opinion at this time, the superstition mongering they do. I acknowledge this could change in the future, as the downside of faith is increasingly apparent to me. Gotta keep this brief. Let's make today a good day. Good luck to you, Flav. We would/will no doubt find much to like and admire in each other when/if we meet in person. You are a smart guy, and I wish you well. Peace. Rudi PS...If I was really wise I would probably hit "delete" instead of "send." But I have a few minutes in this posting, and think someone may get a smile out of it somewhere. I guess I am not that wise if you are reading this, as I must have hit "send." LOL! Rudi Richard Hoffman CFP CLU ChFC Board Member Financial Planning Association fpafla.com Board Member Salvation Army salvationarmy.org Member Alcor Life Extension Foundation alcor.org Certified Financial Planner(TM) CFP Board of Standards Member Libertarian Party libertarianparty.org Member National Rifle Association nra.org Member World Transhumanist Association http://transhumanism.org/ World's Leading Cryonics Insurance Provider rudihoffman.com **************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com. (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014) Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=31065