X-Message-Number: 31087
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 20:55:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: William O'Rights <>
Subject: providing information before asking for money


Cold Filter
providing information before asking for money
July 18 2008 at 6:35 PM undertoad (Login under_toad)
Veteran Member 


This kind of appeal doesn't work for me. I find this description lacking in the 
kind of information I would want to have in order to make an informed decision 
as to whether or not people should give money to this guy. Not questioning his 
integrity, but if he's such a cryonics supporter, how come he hasn't been signed
up for years? Why wasn't he "able to get his suspension funded at CI?"

I'm not saying that there aren't cases where helping out, even to the
extent of covering the entire cost at either CI or Alcor, is

warranted. Just saying that more information than "he's a good guy" is necessary
before people are asked to part with their hard-earned money. 

I am not interested in making up the slack for those who have known about and 
"supported" cryonics for years and yet never made provisions for their own 
cryopreservation at any point along the line. As Aschwin points out in this 
post, making arrangements as early as possible (and keeping them) is the best 
strategy a cryonicist can have. 


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