X-Message-Number: 31333
From: Mark Plus <>
Subject: Spanish article about Aubrey de Grey
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 06:55:25 -0800

Apparently Yahoo's Babelfish translates "de Grey" as "of congregation."

Original article:

La muerte dejara de asociarse a la vejez en 30 anos segun el gerontologo De Grey

The machine translation:


The death will stop being associated to the oldness in 30 years according to the
gerontologo Of Congregation 

Updated 13-01-2009 15:01 CET  

Barcelona. - Within 30 years the concept of death associated to the

age will have disappeared and the man will be able to enjoy a "eternal youth”, 
according to the theories of the English gerontologo Aubrey de Grey, that today 
gives a lecture in CosmoCaixa exceeds how to live thousand years.  

In declarations to Efe, Of Congregation it has defended that the scientific 
advances that they will make cellular and molecular repairs possible, as well as
the improvement of the technological advances, will end the oldness, although 
today these predictions can sound to science-fiction, since it happened years 
ago with facts that today are a reality assumed like something normal.
Appointment like example the transplants, that fifty years ago were

unthinkable and today they are a therapy that has advanced so much that even 
already has been made without needing immunosuppression, a
landmark that considers a great first step than it denominates
"engineering of the organs”. 

According to this biologist and publisher of the scientific magazine
Rejuvenation Research, to be immortal technologies are needed that
nowadays we do not have, and "to be healthful”, which is obtained

avoiding the overweight, the tobacco and the hypertension, with a diet it heals 
and having luck from the genetic point of view.
It assures that although scientist and technologically now is not

possible this eternal youth, "is a tangible reality”, within reach, and what 
does lack "is that people know that this is possible it demands so that it”, and
so that this desire is what causes that becomes in fact in the future not very 

According to their theories, with bioengineering strategies to avoid
the senectud the women will be able to procreate until the fifty or
seventy years, which will suppose the disappearance of the natural
selection of the species that until now has guaranteed the evolution
and that it has already begun to change with the treatments of
"test-tube” fecundity, that viable embryos do that the nature rejects. 

He is sure that in years "there will be limit of no time for the
human species”, although clarifies that this does not mean that is
going to disappear the death. 

She emphasizes that the death concept will persist, although will

not have a biological origin, and that the deaths will have to external causes, 
like accidents. 

Aubrey de Grey considers that the resources are not any problem to
develop systems of weave repair, because or great amounts of money in
treating diseases associated to the cardiovascular oldness like
Alzheimer, diabetes or problems are reversed. 

In this sense, it has remembered that in the last year of life a

person spends more than in almost all the life, and that although this situation
is the one that at heart sustains the pharmaceutical

industry, this one also can have great benefits elaborating substances 

Also it denies that this eternal rich youth can get to be a
privilege of or developed countries, and remembers how one hundred
years ago no country had systems public of prevention of health, and
how they have changed the things since then. 

What yes it thinks that is necessary it is that in continents like

Africa, with a perspective of smaller life, the population has desires to enjoy 
better health and to change habits of life by more healthful others. 

It insists on that the vital calendar that today we have will be
able to change and that the people will journey of the childhood, to

the adolescence and youth, remaining in a permanent state of maturity, 
corresponding to present the 30 or 40 years. 

"Around 2010 the world will be at a new orbit in history. . .  Life expectancy 
will be indefinite. Disease and disability will nonexist. Death wll be rare and 
accidental -- but not permanent. We will continuously jettison our obsolescence 
and grow younger." F.M. Esfandiary, "Up-Wing Priorities" (1981). 

Mark Plus

Windows Live : Keep your life in sync. 

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