X-Message-Number: 31535 From: "Kennita (Go Cryo!)" <> Subject: Re: the immortalist Bible and cryonics Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 04:02:31 -0700 References: <> I think it's a bad idea to put cryonics in the same bin with resurrection and immortality. It seems disingenuous, because cryonicists don't see themselves as dead in the same sense, resurrection as the blissful reward in the same sense, or immortality as necessarily eternal in the same sense, that Christians generally mean. To claim we do can label us as liars and charlatans, or as dupes and victims, depending on how charitable the particular Christian is feeling. Best to play it straight, presenting cryonics as a speculative medical procedure whose desired (*not* guaranteed!) end is to be resuscitated, cured of whatever disease or trauma incapacitated them, and rejuvenated, hopefully into a world where rejuvenation and freedom from diseases, including the disease(s) of aging, is commonplace. That may be too complicated, or too uncertain, for many people to deal with. But in trying to appeal to everyone, we may both appeal to fewer of those inclined to listen and spread ourselves too thin to be effective. Live long and prosper, Kennita Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=31535