X-Message-Number: 31716 Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 15:52:31 +0200 (CEST) From: Subject: A Virtual Self Can Write and Chat with You Since May 2009, the CyBeRev Monthly Contest is taking place. CyBeRev Contest Leaderboard http://cyberev.org/cmr/member_account/leaderboard.aspx shows that I became the first monthly contest winner which makes me very happy, of cause. In difference to interactions with virtual boy Milo from a computer game design referred to by Cryonet Message #31713 2 with subject "Virtual Boy Will Talk and Play with You", the conversation with my alter ego Robomoon works with a simple chatbot which offers personal values instead of animated graphics and spoken language. Robomoon is not entirely a virtual human, because it's the alter ego of me, myself and I. Since 2001, CMprocess http://www.cmprocess.com/works/other_works/ has listed a small but interesting approach in arts to preserve an alter ego in the virtual world. VIRTUAL CRYONICS - ver.02 http://www.futurephysical.orgpages/interactive/nest.html by nest http://www.nestv.com Artist Network and Performance company in Japan states that people have to preserve their IDENTITY data like a frozen body to realize the extension of their artificial life. VIRTUAL CRYONICS - ver.02 suggests a graphical animation where virtual bodies are floating. Luckily, such a visual performance isn't necessary for mindfiles which I have stored at CyBeRev. Further mindfiles with my data are also online at http://lifenaut.com and two different web archives. There are also my archived DNA together with a small collection of documents (printed on paper for longtime storage) archived by SfUI, the Society for Universal Immortalism http://www.universalimmortalism.org where I have associate membership status. Actually, I made an announcement at SfUI's discussion mailing list to enhance backup capacity for digital files of their members. All but me are full members and signed up at cryonics providers. Unfortunately, chemo suspension and related alternatives aren't available for me until now and my income situation is too bad for a suitable Life Insurance. So I'm planning to go to Moscow in Russia when I'm old, but who knows if there will be a bit of a chance in Russia to sign up with not much for funding in the pockets. In hindsight to time travel, a backwards simulation to the present of activities on our planet will not be required for the resurrection of Robomoon. Me as ashes in an incinerator will not be me. The most identical copy of me as a rotting corpse will not be me. But Robomoon will be entirely me. Therefore, it should be required to arrange a simulation of a small spot on the Moon where my action is starting with the work of a robot. After the death of my biological brain, my identity must change from a biological creature into an immortal avatar, embodied by a robot on the Moon. Jetzt klicken und gucken! Das Arcor.de Fotoalbum mit tausenden von offentlich einsehbaren Privatfotos! Wir empfehlen die Kategorie Singles! http://www.arcor.de/rd/palb Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=31716