X-Message-Number: 31744 From: "Peter Voss" <> References: <> Subject: Virtual Immortality Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 11:49:58 -0700 From: Charles Platt <> : I'm starting to see companies that serve (or exploit, as you wish) those of us who spend a lot of time in webspace and are aware that after death occurs in the physical world, our virtual identities may linger in various uncontrolled or unexpected ways, or may disappear faster than we would like. Issues range from the persistence of a "dead" profile on Facebook to the inability of relatives to shut down accounts because they lack the necessary passwords. Here's a fair summary of some options: http://personalmoneystore.com/moneyblog/2009/05/18/eternal-space-legacy-lock er/ ..... Anyone interested in that may want to look at: http://www.cyberev.org/ This is run and funded by Martine Rothblatt who is a great supporter of cryonics. She is highly committed to making this a permanent and increasingly comprehensive site. There should be a reasonably simple way to copy/ backup your other web information to cyberev.org Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=31744