X-Message-Number: 31793 From: David Stodolsky <> Subject: Re: Closed comments? (LMU) Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 14:01:16 +0200 References: <> On 2 Jul 2009, at 11:00 AM, CryoNet wrote: > Provacative comment/question you made here: > > http://www.drroyspencer.com/2009/07/cap-and-trade-and-the-illusion-of-the-new-green-economy/ > > "I can only conclude that some politicians actually want global > warming to be a serious threat to humanity. I wonder why?" > > PS. If your question of "why" _can_ be answered at all, the > understanding will come out of evolutionary psychology and perhaps > fMRI. You don't need either of these, the psychological and political dynamics are already understood. The psychology can be analyzed using terror management theory. My guess is that due to the disintegration of traditional religions, many are desperate to find a new myth that can inject meaning into their lives. One such myth is that the "end is near" due to "global warming". We already have studies that show that environmentalism can function as a self-esteem enhancing belief: <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6WM0-4SD6SG8-1&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=884975e7a7d33f832b05f280aaf2cce5 > The nature of death and the death of nature: The impact of mortality salience on environmental concern "Results demonstrated that heightened mortality awareness ... fostered environmental concern among those who do acquire self-esteem from environmental action." This result shows that the it takes a research degree and direct contact with a natural environment to overcome the pessimism that has been foisted upon the public by the mass media: Myth of Environmental Fragility http://dss.secureid.org/stories/storyReader$6 The politics of the situation can be seen to be an extension of the war on the poor, that has been the center piece of the neo-liberal program - now discredited among the public, but still being promoted by politicians. The cap and trade scheme results in cash extracted from consumers being transferred to large corporations. There is no evidence that this scheme has led to any environmental benefits. What is has done is created a new market that can generate profits for financial institutions, such as stock brokerages, etc. In general, "green" taxes are highly regressive, since they are consumption taxes, which fall more heavily on the poor - they absorb a larger percentage of their income. However, if you can convince people that the end is near and the only way to avoid it is by paying such regressive taxes, there is less political risk. So, the psychology is clear and politicians have long known that terrorizing people is one way to ensure acceptance of unpopular measures. These dynamics result in substantial political risk for the cryonics movement. The dynamics continue to promote the idea that there are "too many people" - after the "Population Bomb" turned out to be a dud - and therefore that cryonics is selfish and immoral. This is one the main objections to cryonics according to the Badger (1998) survey. This is supported by Kogan, Porter, and Tucker (2007). The income transfer effect also damages the growth of cryonics, since it makes cryonics less affordable, thus impossible for many. dss David Stodolsky Skype: davidstodolsky Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=31793