X-Message-Number: 31816
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 07:40:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: Phil Ossifur <>
Subject: Hamiltonian Credit System, Clinton Township and CI

FD wrote

early everyone else knows that CI does not depend on the economy of Michigan for
its continued existence. 


My comment... 

Quite the contrary, in fact. CI is situation in Clinton Township-- which is 
actually on the edge of the greater Detroit area. Detroit is experiencing a 
massive downshift due to the worldwide financial/physical economic collapse 
being imposed by the City of London monetarists. 

The reductionist fallacy that FD, who is not signed up for cryonics at CI, or 
anywhere, is attempting to impose on Cold Filter readers is that CI's health, is
NOT related to Clinton Township's economic health, nor to the Greater Detroit 
area's economic health-- and Detroit's economic health has "nothing to do with" 
the bigger picture in the USA and the world. 

In order to prove FD wrong-- and to help Clinton Township, I'll submit the 
reports on the economic health of the greater Detroit area and of the entire 
Great Lakes area-- of which Clinton Township is a part of, to the Planning Board
of Clinton Township. They should be made aware of the fact that they are not 
experiening a "recession" but rather are being dragged down by forces far 
greater than a mere recession-- or even depression. We are revolving around the 
cusp of total breakdown of civilization-- with the symptoms fooling the nieve 
into thinking that recovery is going to be "like other recoveries". Not this 

Larouche on Detroit


Larouche on Michagan


Great lakes


greater detroit


Larouche is proposing a Great Lakes Renaissance Act...

What is required is a program along the lines of what LaRouche proposed in his 
U.S. Economic Recovery Act in 2006. He proposed that it be called the Great 
Lakes Renaissance Act.

With the implementation of this program in the Great Lakes region, everything 
else will follow as a consequence. This pilot program need merely be extended 
from area to area of the United States, concentrating on the areas of the 
greatest need. 

The future of Cryonics Insitute certainly WILL be impacted favorably or not by 
the immediately geocontiguous area-- it's an impossible scenario to imagine that
it's not-- no matter where CI derives its income or members. To argue otherwise
seems patently so absurd to me that I'll have to argue that rediculous case 
later. Furthermore, FD's arguing otherwise is just another reductionist nonense 
argument that cryonics is related to nothing other than directly related 
elements. INDIECTLY related elements, or larger context elements, play into 
cryonics as well-- especially the issue in front of all of us-- the monetary 
system vs. public credit-- specifically Hamiltonian credit-- as originally 
insituted in the US via the Constitution-- which constitution was specifically 
designed to incorporated AGAINST the British oligarchy-- and which stands even 
TODAY as UNIQUE in the world-- and the ONLY chance to STOP the crash of 

The Larouche people I associate with are acting to push these ideas locally more
and more-- as more successful than the appeals to the higher level 
politicicians. The "noise from the bottom" is rattling the cages of the top 
dogs. I'm sure I can rattle Clinton Township a little bit with some Larouche 
analysis of their situation. I've seen some interesting quotes from the 
Supervisor of Clinton Township that refers to the American Dream, to the 
constitution and to progress. He seems to be an integrationist-- in terms of 
econmomics-- and I think he might be open to the Larouche Great Lakes 
Renaissance Act. You have to find the people who are NOT "reductionists"-- a 
philosophical fallacy used by the British to "dissociate" everything from 
everything else-- a sure bet on destruction, decay and death. 

FD's attitude toward my ultimatatum to Alcor-- that he would be glad to see me 
leave-- would be a good reason for me to immediately rescind-- retract-- and 
cancel-- that ultimatum-- and to zero in-- on Clinton township and their 
position on The Great Lakes Renaissance Act. I've NEVER been "glad" to see ANY 
signed up member leave cryonics-- even cryonicists I didn't "like". And I don't 
like Fd. I've warned Maxim about him-- and he even turned on her the other day--
attributing FALSE MOTIVES to her. FD has essentially hijacked Cold Filter and 
is engaged in some serious thought control that must be challenged. Now it will 
be... with my introduction of Larouche proposals to clinton township over the 
rest of this year. 

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