X-Message-Number: 32216
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 06:46:31 -0800 (PST)
From: Phil Ossifur <>
Subject: Defeat British Genocide



 (LPAC)"As Lyndon LaRouche stressed on Saturday, the way out of the present 
 crisis is thinking from the top down, thus acting as a citizen of the solar 
 system, knowing that the solar system is fundamentally a human system and that 
 the mind of man is the master of the solar system and beyond.The British are 
 plotting the greatest genocide ever conceived. What they and their imperial 
 lackeys are plotting is worse than Hitler. And Obama is just a babbling 
 psychotic parrot for the British.From the standpoint of the solar system, the 
 British Empire is thus doomed by its own hand, and Obama with it. As LaRouche 
 said yesterday, a second moustache should be put on Obama. The only question is
 where to put it. Perhaps it should go on the tip of his nose.The universe is 
 an eternal process of creation, and to the extent

 that we operate in a manner coherent with that process of creation, then not 
 only will nature obey but any society which wants to survive will respond.Those
 who deny the true nature of the universe as dominated by creativity are 
 necessarily doomed.Moreover, they can be defeated by those who have the courage
 to defy them and break their rules of the game, rather than merely marching in
 formation, or denying their own creativity by being practical, i.e., 
 stupid.This week in Copenhagen will be decisive. On Tuesday, Prince Charles 
 will keynote the opening session of the summit. The British are making no 
 effort to hide their role as the architects of the intent of the Copenhagen 
 summit to create a British imperialist controlled new world government intent 
 upon genocide.On Sunday, the war-criminal Tony Blair gave a speech in 
 Copenhagen demanding action. As Blair put it: "Let me restate the reason for 
 this negotiation, since in recent weeks there has been a

 concerted fight back against the notion that such a negotiation is even 
 necessary. It is said that the science around climate change is not as certain 
 as its proponents allege. It doesn't need to be. What is beyond debate, 
 however, is that there is a huge amount of scientific support for the view that
 the climate is changing and as a result of human activity. Therefore, even 
 purely as a matter of precaution, given the seriousness of the consequences if 
 such a view is correct, and the time it will take for action to take effect, we
 should act."In other words, the truth does not matter""What is truth?""in the 
 eyes of recent "Catholic convert" Pontius Pilate Tony Blair. The sophist 
 argues: We should commit genocide, just in case the fraud of Global Warming is 
 correct. "Let us get it underway. And that really is the object for Copenhagen:
 to get us moving."And in this respect, Obama is their ace in the asshole. 
 Fresh from Oslo, Obama will rush to

 Copenhagen to join the other heads of state on Friday to try to do the 
 shrivelling Queen's bidding.Yesterday, LaRouche called for the ouster of John 
 Holdren, Obama's so-called science advisor. Compare Holdren's 1977 proposal for
 a Planetary Regime, an international superagency to enforce global population 
 reduction, to the draft treaty of the Copenhagen summit as exposed by Lord 
 Monckton. Compare Holdren's proposal to "de-develop" the United States, to the 
 current policy being implemented by Obama for the British. Compare Holdren's 
 call for a global armed police force to implement these policies, to the 
 deployment in Copenhagen on Sunday of armed UN security forces to silence the 
 journalists who oppose the fraud of Global Warming.The world monetary system is
 in the process of accelerated collapse. The enemy of humanity can be defeated,
 but not on the basis of sly, practical gimmicks.As Cusa said, human nature is 
 a microcosm of the universe. And there is

 only one course of action which coheres with the lawful ordering of the 
 universe and with human nature. And that is the LaRouche Plan. Some others are 
 making a useful contribution. But we stand on our own 
 authority.Printer-friendly version Send to 
 2:47pmLyndon LaRouche: Address to Moscow Anti-Globalist ConferenceThu, 
 12/03/2009 - 5:00pmLaRouche Webcast: December 3, 2009Sat, 11/28/2009 - 
 9:34amThe Climate Summit in Copenhagen Must Be Cancelled!Tue, 12/01/2009 - 
 3:07pmCancel CopenhagenMon, 04/20/2009 - 8:45pmLPACTV: Global Warming -- 
 British for GenocideTue, 11/24/2009 - 3:30pmThe Age of the AtomMon, 11/09/2009 
 - 10:45pmPart 1: The Space-Time of ImperialismSun, 11/01/2009 - 
 11:14amCAMPAIGN: Put the LaRouche Plan to Save the World Economy on the 
 Agenda!Tue, 09/23/2008 - 2:45pmThe Lost Chance of 1989 : The Fall of the 
 WallTue, 09/22/2009 - 12:40amThe New Dark AgeThu, 11/12/2009 -

 10:30pmWhat your accountant doesn't know: The Science of SocietyThu, 08/27/2009
 - 8:39pmLPACTV: From the Moon to Mars - The New EconomicsSat, 09/26/2009 - 
 7:46amLPACTV: The Story of the German Space PioneersTue, 12/08/2009 - 
 8:56pmBasement Class Series, Moon-Mars Economics, part 8Wed, 11/25/2009 - 
 11:00pmBasement Class Series, Moon-Mars Economics, part 7


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