X-Message-Number: 32241
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 22:06:25 EST
Subject: Growing Body Parts

We concentrate on preservation of the brain because we say that upon  

restoration perhaps a century from now they will be able to put the brain  into 
fine new body. That part is looking ever-more-likely as they make  rapid 
progress in growing organs. 60 Minutes had an article last week on  progress 
in that field.  A couple of years ago they could do bladders and  implant 
them in people, but now they have done a mouse liver and implanted it in  a 
mouse, and are actively working on kidneys, hearts and lungs.
Read about it here or watch the video. Also the video on growing a  kidney 
is good.
At the rate they are going it looks like they'll be close in twenty years,  
so a century is too conservative. Anyway, it's good news.
Alan Mole

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