X-Message-Number: 32436
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2010 16:41:32 -0800 (PST)
From: david pizer <>
Subject: The real cost of doing Neuros

When Alcor does a suspension the cost of doing a whole body vs doing a Neuro are
close to the same EXCEPT  for the storage costs.  

Let's say for discussion purposes that if one puts $15,000 into the Patient Care
Trust that will generate enough income to cover the cost of storage for a Neuro
until reanimation time.  

Let's say that if one put $30,000 into the Patient Care Trust that will generate
enough income to pay the costs of storing a whole body until reanimation time.

So if these figures are accurate, doing  Neuro only saves $15,000 over doing a 
whole body.

BUT every Neuro costs Alcor hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in attorney 
fees and lost revenues and other costs because the general public does not like 
Neuros and does not like Alcor for doing them.  They throw roadblocks in front 
of Alcor's growth and acceptance at every opportunity.  It costs Alcor extra 
money to overcome these.

Just One Example: If TW had been a whole body and his head not removed, Alcor 
would have saved a lot of money in legal fees and not had so much bad publicity 
in that case.  Same with the other cases Alcor has lost and will continue to 
loose in court every time the Alcor member is a Neuro.

Doing Neuros is costing Alcor a lot of money in the long run and the savings of 
doing a Neuro is just not worth the lost money, lost good will, and loss of 
several patients that the courts ruled for the relatives against Alcor because 
the the Neuro just can't be tolerated by the general public.

I believe if we want cryonics to grow fast and if we want to save on legal 
expenses, and if we want to quit losing court cases where we loose the patients,
we need to quit offering Neuros.

I have been involved in cryonics for over 25 years and have talked to thousands 
of people one on one and in groups and I can tell you from the feedback that as 
long as we offer Neuros the cards will be stacked against us in public 
relations, the press, and court battles of all kinds.


David Pizer

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