X-Message-Number: 32739
From: "Jens Rabis" <>
References: <>
Subject: "Robert-Ettinger-Medal"
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2010 17:16:00 +0200

Hi Cryonauten,

Quote": Alcor News, July 2010: 

1st to 3rd October 2010 in Goslar, Germany
The German Society for Applied Biostasis (DGAB) organizes its first
scientific symposium. It has the title "Applied Cryobiology - Scientific
Symposium on Cryonics" and will be held in autumn 2010. 
The symposium is a pioneering event. Its aim is to emphasize the scientific
fundamentals of cryonics. Scientists from universities and cryonic
research-facilities all over the world present the state of the art of
During the symposium the "Robert-Ettinger-Medal" for outstanding merits in
the field of cryonics will be awarded for the first time. Robert Ettinger is
regarded to be the "father of cryonics". He established the Cryonics
Institute in Michigan (USA) and is known to be a pioneer of transhumanism.
His books "The Prospect of Immortality" and "Man into Superman" are
essential works in the fields of cryonics and transhumanism. 
The symposium "Applied Cryobiology" will be held at the UNESCO World
Heritage Site Goslar, Germany, from 1st to 3rd October. For more information
contact Homepage: http://symposium2010.biostase.de" "End of quote	

Congratulations for the idea of a medal, congratulations with my great
respect to Robert Ettinger the named donors. This has been done few people
in your life. And there were / are infinitely many billions people. The
"Robert-Ettinger-Medal" shows a strengthened/reinforced self-confidence of
the cryonic movement :-) Yes, I fell in surprise from the computer chair.


Zitat: "In diesem Jahr wird zum ersten Mal die ,Robert-Ettinger-Medaille"
fur besondere Verdienste fur die Kryonik verliehen. Robert Ettinger gilt als
der ,Vater der Kryonik". Er grundete das Cryonics Institute in Michigan
(USA) und ist als Transhumanismus-Pionier bekannt. Pragend waren seine
Bucher ,The Prospect of Immortality" und ,Man into Superman", beide sind
essentiell fur die Gebiete der Kryonik und des Transhumanismus'.

Das Symposium findet vom 1. bis zum 3. Oktober in der
UNESCO-Weltkulturerbestatte Goslar am nordlichen Harzrand statt." Zitat
Ende, Quelle: http://www.biostase.de/symposium2010.html

Gluckwunsch zur Idee einer Medaille und Gluckwunsch in groBem Respekt an den
Namensgeber. Das haben nur wenige Menschen in Ihrem Leben geschafft ... und
es gab und gibt unendlich viele Milliarden Menschen. Die
"Robert-Ettinger-Medal" zeigt ein gestarktes Selbstbewusstsein der
kryonischen Bewegung. Ja, ich bin vor Uberraschung vom Computer-Stuhl

Best greetings from Berlin-Germany
Jens Rabis

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