X-Message-Number: 32919
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 2010 14:01:04 -0400
Subject: Consciousness
From: Jonano <>

I think we need to understand alot more this area of philosophy and


I see consciousness as a "radio thing", when you put the radio with
good waves, you hear the music, but if you put the radio in space, you
lost signals.

Consciousness is a 2 things process, brain + reality = consciousness,
if one of them is missing, then there is no consciousness. Maybe if we
change the kind of brain, it won't graps reality as a normal brain.

I also dont believe in duality (spirit/body), I am a materialist, and
I think ideas are a material thing, like a virus transmitted with
education, voices or books/writings. Which make ideas much more
fragile but as necessary/important to our development as our brains
but acquired differently.


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