X-Message-Number: 3315 Date: 21 Oct 94 09:54:21 EDT From: Mike Darwin <> Subject: CRYONICS Pizer's Delicate Condition Dave (Pizer) now claims he remembers my post but, because it was so horrible and offensive to his delicate sensibilities he "repressed it", until recently reminded of it. I saw an ad the other day at the tail end of one of the daytime talk shows asking for guests who have repressed memories that have ruined their lives.... If Dave find my post so horrible he "repreressed it" only to remember later, then I'll bet fully 1/2 of Dave's life lies hiddden away and repressed. Maybe he should consider going on the show.... I any event, I now understand that Dave is a *victim*, someone suffering from a syndrome for which he is not really responsible. I'll have to remember this the next time *I* get caught with my pants down; the trauma made me do it. (My God, whatever happened to the Devil, s/he was so much more interesting and colorful an excuse; secularization of sin sure does leave a lot to desired, don't it.) As to the comments about the CSNY/Cryo-Span brochures being untrue or misleading, well I think Mike Perry hits the nail right on the head. At the time they were printed the following was true: Jane Enzman, M.D. was actively involved in CSNY. In fact, the glass bubble trap mounted on the IV pole with the sphygomanometer (blood pressure gauge) hooked to it was designed by Jane to be incorporated into the perfusion circuit. Several physicians contributed to the CSNY protocol, as did nascent cryobiologists, some of whom have gone on to run organ preservations organ programs. Hell, one of them even helped freeze a CSNY patient!] Harry Waitz was both an engineer and a consultant to CSNY during this period of time. Karl Werner, the guy who coined the word cryonics was also on engineer and helped with much of the earky work. Also, via CryoCare Equipment Corporation there were two engineers who's talents were available to CSNY; both of them with experience in cryogenic engineering. One of these men is still involved in cryonics. Ted Gartland was also an experienced welder and something (although not much) of an engineer. Further, where engineering skills are involved, I would point out that Cryo-Span developed the basic design for human cryopreservation units that is still in use by both Alcor and trans Time: the upright, vacuum-jacketed dewar with an open mouth, large foam neckplug, and high quality, long-lasting superinsulated vacuum. This dewar was developed by several individuals: the basic design work for dimensions and conception were laid out by Curtis Henderson (who not an engineer but a lawyer). His work in this area has withstood the test of time. The engineering modifications (excluding design of the siderails, which was also Curtis') and the actual final drawings and execution of the units were done by Minnesota Valley Engineering. At that time, a fellow by the name of Schuster was running the company and he was very friendly to cryonics and consulted extensively with Curtis (and later with me) on storage unit design. Shuster was an engineer, and a damn good one and his talents WERE available. I have a redrawn copy of the MVE-Henderson engineering drawings hanging on the wall here in Rancho. It is faithfful copy on acetate of the original blueline (which oxidized away over time, as bluelines do). It is no stretch to say that Cryo-Span had engineers available to it. After all, Cryo-Span working with MVE designed THE unit that remained the domninant "cryocapsule" for over a decade. Paul Segall was also on site then. He was conducting aging research and also providing consulting and information for human freezings. I would also point out that simply by turning to the back page of any issue of Cryonics Reports produced concurrent with the Cryo-Span brochures the Daves alledge were misleading will show a list of people who consented to have their names *openly published* as consultants to CSNY. That lists includes a prominent psychologist of on death and dying (who just recently published a very find book with a chapter on cryonics in it: Robert Kastenbaum and his *Encyclopaedia of Death*)_ cryobiologists and, if memory serves me, an engineer or two. There were also people like Peter Gouras, M.D. around at the time who were willing and available to provide input and and advice, although not publically. Indeed, near the end of CSNY's existence Grouras and others who consitutue being scientists and physicians collaborated on an extended exchange of ideas on perfusion protocol initiated by, as I recall, Art Quaife and Fred and Linda Chamberlain. Thus, the notion that CSNY did not have these people available is not supported by the facts. As to the equipment in the brochure (the four color Cryo-Span brochure Dave refers to). CSNY/Cryo-Span owned it all. I know this because, as Cryo-Span began to disintegrate some years later, I bought every single technical item you see in those pictures. With the exception of the rubber mask (which Alcor has in the CSNY archives) and the glass bubble trap and sphyg (which I later broke while using) I STILL have that equipment. The roller pump was used for years at Alcor to pump Silcool and alcohol out of cooling baths. It still works and I still have it, although it is now painted blue rather rather than gree as it appeared in the brochure. I also still have the Westinghouse Iron Heart pictured in the brochure; I bought it from Curtis for $400 while in high school so he could by a new engine for his VW truck and continue to haul LN2 to keep the patients frozen. The Iron Heart sill works too, last time I tried it! Having said all this, I would be the first to agree that the Cryo-Span brochure was a conscious attempt to make CSNY look good. Maybe even look better than it was. This is NOT uncommon in cryonics or in any marketing area. In fact it is, as far as I have been able to determine, it is an absolute rule as unvariable as gravitation. I remember *many* people (most promiently Brian Wowk because he was so vocal about it) being very disenchanched when he actually saw the Alcor facility in Riverside after being exposed ONLY to Alcor literature. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING in the Alcor literature could have prepared anyone for what the facility (Alcor/Cryovita) was like in Fullerton. Even the pictures, which I look at from time to time, cannot convey the clutter, crowding, dust, bare, stained concrete floors, etc. In fact, until I pained it with Epoxy paint (a relatively late development) the old Cryovita/Alcor operating room floor in Fullerton was naked concerete badly stained with rust and old (soaked in oil stains). Photos made during this period were at GREAT pains to minimize not only these rather grody cosmetic defects, but also the generally shabby state of things, say, compared to Alcor's subsequent facilties in either Riverside or Arizona. Furthermore, media photograohers would often go to great lengths to have me reduce clutter in the OR, move equipment around (so that it was in misleading and inappropriate positions), or otherwise fool with the lighting/or background to make things look more impressive than they really were. Hugh Hixon will remember very well the photographer who came out to shoot the picture of me with the open Alcor neuropatient vault (with the interior glowing yellow inside; this picture was used in Alcor literature on several occassions). In order to get the shot the photographer had to build an artificial black background to hide the clutter and shabby walls behind the dewar. He also had to use multiple time exposures. The shots took al day and I was exhausted afterwards (as well as given an appreciation as to just how hard professional models must really work). All of this, including many of the carefully selected pictures in Alcor literature, were consciously designed to put the BEST face on things. This is how marketing is done. Universally. Period. I have never liked it myself (although I enjoyed viewing the nice, aesthetic looking pictures that resulted). If I were to print what Alcor (or ANY) cryonics patients look life after cryoprotective perfusion, or cephalic isolation, I doubt it would do Alcor any good or cryobixs as whole! In fact, there is a conscious decision NOT to show such pictures. They woulve a terrible impact on marketing (an no, it is NOT just to protect patients; some patients could care less and have said so). If CSNY was guilty of anything, it was guilty of this. What I find REALLY, REALLY ironic. I mean REALLY ironic, is that these criticisms would come from Dave Pizer. Why? Because Dave was once a used car salesman who has spent some hours explaining in great detail (to me) how he hyped car sales and glossed over problems to customers, some of whom had families or tight budgets. In fact, Dave taught me a great deal about used car sales and I consider this information valuable; I have used it to my benefit in dealing with used car dealers ever since. As I said at the start, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=3315