X-Message-Number: 33241
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2011 23:49:41 EST
Subject: Response to Metzger Part I

My attempted post to Cryonet early this AM bounced because it exceeded  the 
allowable file length. So, I've broken the file into two parts, pretty much 
 arbitrarily, and am now re-posting them.    

Mike Darwin
My responses are interleaved with the two posts below and start with  my 
initials (MD) and end with >>

Message  #33230
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2011 16:51:49 -0500
From: "Perry E. Metzger"  <>
Subject: Glass vs. Crystal  transitions
References:  <>

It is rare that a topic  comes up here that is actually of direct
interest to improving  cryopreservation quality. However, as
Mike Darwin has had the temerity to  interrupt the usual chatter around
here by discussing actual experiment, I  thought I'd chime in:

> From: 
> Date: Thu, 13  Jan 2011 21:56:09 EST
> Subject: Intracellular Freezing &  Vitrification
> vitrify. A potential problem arises, especially  when ice growth
> inhibiting  molecules are also present, in that  such tissues will
> tend to supercool far below their true freezing  point,

One side note here. (I'm sure Mike is aware of this, but others  may
not be.) A uniform idealized substance (and sometimes a  uniform
idealized mixture) can have a single definable freezing point,  but
non-uniform substances do not. Biological tissues and individual  cells
are nearly the definition of a non-uniform substance -- if they  were
uniform, they would not function.

Furthermore, not every  substance has a well defined freezing point
even when it is perfectly  uniform. A good everyday example (just for
purposes of illustration) is  paraffin.

Why mention this? Because even in idealized conditions, getting  an
entire cell or block of tissue to undergo a phase transition at  the
same time may be a bit of a challenge, and because things one  learns
from uniform systems may warp when applied to non-uniform systems  like
biological tissues.
MD: First, before I get into specifics, I'd like to thank Perry for  asking 
some very good questions - so good in fact, that I'm sure I will not be  
able to answer all of them. My hope is that Brian Wowk will step up to the  
plate, especially where I don't know, or where I err.
Second, meaning no disrespect, Cryonet is not really the proper place  for 
these, or any discussions that involve complex scientific concepts that, by  
their very nature, cry out for visual aids and examples. I was hoping that  
a blog or interactive web 2.0 space would be available by now, but so far 
that  hasn't happened.
Now, to the matters at hand. Yes, as you point out, biological  systems are 
inhomogeneous and this is greatly amplified when a whole organ or  organism 
is considered. In fact, one of the primary obstacles to successful  renal 
vitrification at this point is that the renal medulla is comparatively  
poorly perfused compared to the cortex and may, in addition, have structural  
features that make cryoprotectant agent (CPA) equilibration more  problematic. 
Having said that, cryoprotective perfusion in a healthy animal  probably 
does a fair bit to decrease the inhomogeneity in various organs and  tissues 
because, if successful, it swamps the tissue with massive amounts of  

colligative agents AND it dehydrates the tissues to just about the maximum  
possible. A cryoprotected brain is massively dehydrated at the end of CPA  
loading, and basically consists of CPA in a concentrated protein gel. All but  
the vascular extracellular space is abolished; and the tissue ground 
substance  is extremely dense - in fact it makes it very hard to see fine 
intracellular  structure with TEM. So, what you have is sort of a CPA loaded 
'brain-jerky.'  Still, there will be regional variations of some kinds, and if 
freezing is going  to take place, these may be material. But the point here is 
that the severe  dehydration, coupled with the massive freezing point 

depression, will probably  tend to collapse a lot of the normally present 
variation in things like  water, protein and lipid content.>>

> What Brian pointed out to me is that a
> 7.5 M solution  of glycerol has a melting point of ~ -50 deg C.Thus,
> even if tissues  containing 7.5 M glycerol solution nucleated
> perfectly upon passing  below their melting point during cooling,
> all the  ice growth would  take place at deep subzero temperatures
> where the mobility of water (and  cell membrane permeability to
> water) is putatively low. An added  complicating factor is that 7.5
> M glycerol solutions are virtually  certain  to supercool well below
> their thermodynamically ideal  freezing point - and indeed to do so
> by tens of  degrees.

Supercooling is common across most substances. Extremely pure  water
with no nucleation sites can be cooled to below -40C before it  will
undergo spontaneous "homogeneous nucleation". Crystal formation  itself
is a fairly complicated process, and without a nucleation center  the
transition can be disfavored even if the final crystal would  be
perfectly stable.
MD: Yes, water has two freezing points: 0 deg C, which is the heterogenous  
nucleating temperature, and -40 deg C, which is the homogenous nucleating  
temperature. In theory, if you could purge a solution of all exogenous  
nucleators, like bacterial proteins, gas bubbles, etc., then you could   cool 
water to -40 deg C and it would remain in a liquid state. In fact, this  works 
well for small volumes of water, and some living organisms survive by a  
combination of purging nucleators and using a modest amount of a colligative  
agent. But, for large volumes of water, thermodynamics and chance dictate 
that  you will get freezing, and sooner, rather than later.>>

The  specific issue, as I understand it, is this. (If someone
understands the  process better than I do, please chime up -- I know a
bunch of physical  chemistry but it is not my area of expertise.)

Forming an interface  between the two phases requires energy, which is
proportional to the size of  the surface area at the interface. Now,
there is a source of energy  available, to whit, the energy liberated
by the formation of the crystal  itself (the crystal necessarily has
lower free energy than the liquid), which  is proportional to the
volume of the forming crystal. However, the smaller an  object is, the
larger the ratio of its surface area to its volume. Thus, a  very small
spontaneously formed crystal will not liberate enough energy  to
account for the energy of the interface. Assuming a spherical  nucleus,
one can calculate a critical radius below which a spontaneously  formed
crystal is unstable. (A very similar process happens in  water
droplet formation in clouds, where below a critical radius  the
droplets are disfavored.)

However, as the temperature becomes  lower and lower, the critical
radius itself lowers (one can model this  mathematically though it has
been some years since I knew the details), until  finally you hit a
point where the critical radius is small enough that  spontaneously
formed crystals are larger than it and you get homogeneous  nucleation
followed by a spontaneous phase transition throughout the  liquid.
MD: Yes, I believe this is a succinct and accurate description, and it  
applies not just to freezing water, but to boiling water as well. With the  
advent of microwave ovens, many people are now familiar with superheating of  
water, as when a cup of water in the oven fails to boil at 100 deg C. As  
soon as it is nucleated, either by moving it or by adding a powder or a   tea 
bag, explosive boiling occurs as all that 'stored' heat that should have  

been disposed of by steam escaping during boiling, is rapidly dissipated. It is
 the same phenomenon in reverse when freezing occurs after deep 

supercooling.  And, as you point out, crystal formation yields free energy - in 
case in  the form of heat. If a LOT of ice forms quickly, the very rapid 
release of this  latent heat of fusion can, in theory, re-warm the system and 
cause damage  by inducing localized CPA toxicity,  melting and refreezing, and 
by driving  recrystallization in already frozen areas.>>

> This will be even  more true of glycerol
> solutions at these temperatures because of their  very high
> viscosity and  the resultant decreased mobility of water  in the
> solution.

I know little about the physical chemistry of  glycerol undergoing this
transition. Are the crystals formed pure water? If  so, the
concentration of glycerol of the surrounding liquid would rise  during
crystal formation, inhibiting further growth if diffusion was  slow
enough. That would tend to explain the phenomenon you describe  below:
MD: Yes, ice freezes out as pure water under these conditions, and with  
these molecules. Some putative cryoprotective agents such as the gases Xenon 
and  Argon can form non-ice structures called clathrates. However, to my 

knowledge,  the CPAs currently in use leave water either hydrogen bonded to the
CPA and  present as a CPA-water liquid - or as ice, frozen out as pure 
water. In fact,  the definition of ice is a crystal of water, and a crystal of 
water is made up  only of H2O.>>

> As Brian points out, if you carefully examine a  vial of
> such a solution being slowly cooled to well below its  freezing
> point,  what you  notice first is the presence of a  few scattered
> large ice balls in the  solution. These are the  points in the
> solution where nucleation and  subsequent ice growth  first began,
> and they will typically have formed and begun  growing  at between
> -50 deg C and -60 deg C; at the warmest temperatures   that ice can
> form in a 7.5 M glycerol solution.

The "sentinel"  ice balls you describe may fail to grow faster
precisely because their  formation alters nearby concentration of
glycerol, a self limiting process  especially since the formation of
pure water ice requires energy since it is  entropically disfavored. It
would be interesting to learn if this is true.  However, with time, as
the liquids diffuse, they should grow until the  overall concentration
is sufficient to impede further change. The phenomenon,  as you
describe it, is self limiting even in a slowly cooled solution,  which
is slightly puzzling.
MD: Brian can better answer the second part of your question. But yes, as  
the ice front grows it is largely excluding not only glycerol (or other 
CPAs)  but also the salts and colloids present in the solution. The latter can 
amount  to as much as 6-10% of the volume, and more importantly, concentrated 
colloids  at subzero temperatures are VERY viscous, and probably comprise a 
huge barrier  to the already slowed kinetic diffusion of water. 

Additionally, the  concentration of CPAs and other dissolved solids will be 
right at the  crystal-solution interface. This will mean that the freezing 
point of the  microenvironment surrounding the ice crystals will be the lowest 
it is  anywhere, with the possible exception of the intracellular  spaces. 

And diffusion is greatly impeded at temperatures like -50 deg C not only  
because of cooling, per se, but because of the tremendous increase in 

viscosity  most CPAs undergo when they are cooled to these temperatures. So, you
can't  simply do an Arrhenius-based calculation of the diffusion kinetics 
based on  water alone - you have to account for the high viscosity of the 
CPAs/carrier  solution.>>

> These sentinel ice balls almost certainly occur as a result of  the
> presence of bacterial ice nucleating proteins that are present  just
> about everywhere in the environment.

That may or may not be  the case. It should be straightforward to
determine which, however, if it  proved to be important.
MD: Well, what started Brian off on his criticisms of my previous post was  
that, in fact, the experiment HAS been done - and most embarrassingly, by 
me!  When we loaded our experimental dogs with 7.5 M glycerol we dropped the 
freezing  point of the tissues to ~50 deg C and we virtually guaranteed both 
supercooling  and inhomogenous freezing. And yet, we saw stunningly good 
histological and  ultrastructural preservation - with the exception of 
'random' areas of neuropil  that had a 'blasted' appearance - rather like what 
you'd see in an aerial  photograph after a hurricane of Tsunami hits an 

urbanized area. These were  probably areas of primary nucleating with large ice
masses. Also, there large  holes or tears around many of the brain capillaries.
At the time we did that work we were very pressed for money - or more  

accurately, I was, since BioPreservation (my company) paid for that work. I cut
corners in what seemed a perfectly reasonable way at the time, and that was 
to  do just one control that was glycerol perfused and fixed, but NOT 

frozen. I knew  what I was going to see, so I only submitted one sample for TEM
and only paid  for a few high magnification 'survey shots' to confirm that 
everything looked as  expected. When we got the EMs back on the frozen 

dogs,they looked spectacular,  except for two things - the small 'blasted areas'
neuropil, and much more  disturbing, peri-capillary holes. There were these 
huge gaping holes that looked  like tears from ice around many (but not 
all) of the brain capillaries. 
Woebetide the scientist who knows what he will see BEFORE he sees it. As it 
 turns out, these peri-capillary holes are NOT from ice formation, but 
rather are  a result of the cerebral dehydration due to glycerolization. This 
was discovered  by Greg Fahy when they began vitrifying brains at 21CM, 

because they saw the  same exact holes in both vitrified and CPA perfused but 
vitrified brains! I  mention this because, shockingly (to me) as I look back 
over the micrographs of  the 7.5M frozen brains, I find that if I exclude 
the peri-capillary ice holes,  which weren't really ice holes, high molarity 
glycerol yields structural  preservation that is arguably not that much 
worse than you get with  vitrification. Furthermore, Hugh Hixon told me some 

years ago that it is  possible to perfuse 8M glycerol in humans. If you can add
ice inhibiting  molecules and cool at 0.5 deg C/min it may well be possible 
to vitrify. AND, if  you can perfuse the brain vasculature with ultra-cold 
gas, preferably helium (I  originally thought nitrogen would do, but there 
is now evidence that it is  undesirable) it should be easily possible to cool 
the brain homogeneously at  somewhere between 1-3 deg C min, depending upon 
the condition of the  vasculature. That should handily allow for 
'vitrification.' Indeed, just  extending blast cooling with cold gas to 

naso-oropharynx should double or triple  the currently achievable cooling rate 
of 0.3 deg 
C/min for human  heads. 
The is material because glycerol is far less membrane toxic than current  
vitrification solutions and in places where tight control of temperature is 
not  possible, it may be a much safer alternative. It is also vastly cheaper, 
easier  to prepare and handle, and perhaps most importantly, results in 
much less edema  in ischemic patients.>>

> Brian further notes that these initial ice balls (several
>  millimeters in diameter) grow as large as they do because they have
> lots  of time to do so during slow cooling.

That would seem on its surface to  be correct, but what limits them to
a few millimeters?
MD: I think this is definitely a Brian question, but my untutored answer  
would be viscosity and decreasing temperature. It's true that if you HOLD at 
a  favorable temperature, ice will grow to its maximum possible volume. In 
fact, it  was because I did these same experiments as a kid with dry ice that 
I failed to  understand what was happening. In order to prevent freezing of 
a glycerol water  solution at -77 deg C you need ~ 70% v/v glycerol! Since 
I didn't have sustained  access to LN2 as a teenager, all my 'work' with 

glycerol-water solutions  had to stop at dry ice temp. However, if you CONTINUE
to cool, and do so with  some rapidity, you can stay ahead of the ability 
of ice to grow. Indeed, that is  what vitrification as it is currently 

practiced depends upon, because no  vitrification solution that is biologically
innocuous has a critical cooling or  re-warming rate of infinity. You always 
have to cool or warm rapidly enough to  avoid devitrification. The ice 

inhibiting molecules greatly relax those cooling  rates and time constraints, 
they don't abolish them.>>

>  However, what is easy to miss, or at least not to
> understand, is that as  the rest of the rest of the 7.5 M glycerol
> solution is further cooled,  it will grow cloudy. This cloudiness is
> due to the  formation of  millions of microscopic tiny ice balls
> that refract the light.   Those microscopic ice balls were areas in
> the solution that  nucleated  LONG after those few big ice balls
> formed, in fact, tens  of degrees C later,  when the solution was
> much more viscous. As a  result, those tiny ice balls  couldn't grow
> much before the glass  transition temperature (Tg) of the  solution
> was reached, which in  the case of 7.5M glycerol, is ~ -100 deg  C.

Again, that seems  reasonable, but are you sure of the details? One
would tend to believe that  an abrupt change in optical characteristics
has to be associated with a  partial phase change, but the exact nature
of the phase change is of  interest.

In particular, can you be sure these are not formed of some  sort of
organized glycerol-h2o crystals or small particles of glassy solid  and
are instead pure water? I would tend to agree that pure water  seems
most plausible, but mere plausibility isn't enough, and this  actually
may be important. Also, can you be sure the crystals grow no  larger
because they have no time to do so, or could it be because the  overall
concentration of glycerol has gone up enough to impede growth, or  for
some other reason? It seems to me that this would require  some
MD: I'll leave this question to Brian, because he can discourse at length  
on the magic that is differential scanning calorimetery (DSC). DSC can 
detect  the minutest of phase changes in a sample, and if your numbers all sum 
out  right, then you can be pretty sure "what's what" after cooling to any 
given  temperature. I was still at 21CM when Brian began this work, and it was 
horrible  - the kind of thing that would drive me barking mad. Basically you 
crimp a tiny  volume of solution 'just so' into sealed metal pans, and put 
them in the device  and cool them. Of course, the catch is, that you must do 
this thousands and  thousands of times to build a picture of how different 
solutions behave under  different regimens of cooling and re-warming. It is 
boring, repetitive  and truly dull  work.>>

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