X-Message-Number: 33309 From: "John de Rivaz" <> References: <> Subject: Re: CryoNet #33295 [Mark F Connaughton] Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2011 10:38:11 -0000 To these excellent comments I would add that there is a brain drain from professions that may create wealth to those mentioned that destroy it. People can make far more money in these professions than they can working in wealth creating industries, unless they are actually the owners or managers of these industries. The best example of the latter is Bill Gates, of course, whose wealth far exceeds the wildest dreams of the most avaricious of the non-productive professionals. But these super sucessful people are extremely rare indeed. By and large, the non-productive professional earns more than the productive one. In addition, the affluence of these non-productive professionals encourages inefficient working practises, making their clients pay even more for the services provided. Over the past half century, the best way to make money was to discover how to borrow it, and use the money you have borrowed to buy things whose apparent cost is rising faster than your accumulating pile of debt and interest. At some point you have to sell part of your portfolio to pay off your debt, and you have got something for nothing. The losers are the savers on fixed interest who were getting a below inflation return after tax, ie a negative returen on their savings. That is a risky strategy, so a less stressful strategy is to be a fee earning professional administering all this. The crash happened when those taking the risk left it too late to get out. This happened with stocks in the 1920s/30s, and real estate in the early 21st century. The other problem is that with real estate, the crash caused many people to lose their homes as their debt was not covered by the perceived value of their assetts. Many of these people had simply been borrowing more than they could afford, to show their muscle in getting the houses they wanted. They felt safe because the smartly dressed professional assured them all was well. -- Sincerely, John de Rivaz: http://John.deRivaz.com for websites including Cryonics Europe, Longevity Report, The Venturists, Porthtowan, Alec Harley Reeves - inventor, Arthur Bowker - potter, de Rivaz genealogy, Nomad .. and more ----- Original Message ----- From: CryoNet #33306: Re: CryoNet #33295 [Mark F Connaughton] Lawyers, politicians, regulators and beancounters happened. Too many PhDs and not enough nut-and-bolt people. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=33309