X-Message-Number: 33369
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 01:23:09 EST
Subject: Melody Maxim's Distorted Reality 4

However,  beyond these immediate practical considerations flow, in the 
context of pressure  and other variables of the case, provides critically 
important insight into the  pathophysiology of the cryopatient. We want to 

understand what is causing these  things, why they happen, and how they respond 
our interventions. Does SVR  improve when we use a hyperoncotic perfusate, a 
hyperosmotic perfusate or a  combination of both during TBW? Is this 
improvement lasting and does it come  without adverse effects? Are 

vasoconstrictors such Neosynephrine or vasopressin  effective in cases where the
SVR is 
extremely low and the flow rate is  astronomically high: and yet acceptable 

(i.e., required) physiological perfusion  pressure cannot be obtained? How much
actual capillary perfusion is occurring in  such cases as opposed to flow 
that is shunted around the capillary beds?  

Beyond these examples it is important to understand that accurate  
measurement of as many physiological parameters as is possible leads to  

fundamentally new insights; often insights into important phenomenon which we  
did not 
even know existed. If we dont collect the data we will not be able to  learn 
and make progress. The history of scientific, evidence-based medicine is a  
testimony to the criticality of vigorously collecting data which is 

consistently  and ACCURATELY collected. That means precision in quantification. 
Maxim  seems not to grasp this. 

Roller pumps are heavy, bulky and shed  particles of tubing (spallation) 
into the blood or perfusate they pump. They are  also harder on blood (more 
damaging to the cells) and they cause more activation  of immune-inflammatory 
cascade (IIC) than the latest generation of centrifugal  pumps. Depending 
upon the design of the system they unequivocally carry a  greater risk of 

macro air embolization. Everyones preference in cryonics was to  use centrifugal
technology. However, a number of factors argued against this:  

1) Knowing flows with precision and accuracy (indeed knowing them at  all!) 
was critically important. It is absolutely essential in cryoprotective  

perfusion because flow rate is the primary perfusion parameter that determines
cryoprotective agent equilibration in the patient. Flow is also the primary 
 determinant of cooling rate (along with heat exchanger efficiency and the  
temperature of the wall water) during in-field CPB of cryopatients. Knowing 
when  the patient will be cold enough to come off the pump is often really 
important  since it can mean catching or missing a commercial flight. Roller 
pumps give a  very consistent flow regardless of temperature, pressure, 
viscosity or perfusate  composition. RPM can be converted directly into flow. 

2) It is  possible to design TBW systems so that no macro air can be 

perfused using roller  pumps. This was done with the ATP. The ATP, properly 
(a given in any  system including centrifugal circuits) cannot pump macro 
air. The ATP was NOT  designed for extended closed-circuit operation and ALL 
of my advice to SA was in  the (stated) context of simple open circuit flush 
of the patient. 

3) The  notion that centrifugal pumps cannot cause physiologically 

devastating  over-pressure injury is incorrect. While centrifugals cannot 
an  infinite head of pressure under occluded conditions as can roller pumps, 
the  static pressure of most medical centrifugals under no-flow (occluded 
arterial or  venous line) conditions varies from ~500 to well over 700 mm Hg. 
Such pressures  will NOT rupture the extracorporeal circuit (i.e., explode 
oxygenators, filters,  or blow apart circuit connections) but they can cause 
tremendous damage to  patients. Just try occluding the venous (outflow) line 
on a CPB circuit  employing a centrifugal pump on a human (or animal) and 
wait until the flow goes  to zero from back pressure. You will have one very, 
very dead patient. The much  touted safety against over-pressure with 
centrifugals in CPB is primarily to  the circuit and thus indirectly to the 
patient because if the arterial leg  of the circuit explodes due to a clamped 

line, bypass is interrupted until a new  circuit can be brought on-line and the
patient is now virtually guaranteed not  only ischemic time, but very 
likely the need for transfusion as well (with all  its attendant risks). 

4) No cryonics patient, to my knowledge, has ever  been air embolized 

during in-field TBW due to a roller pump or due to pumping  the venous reservoir
dry. When in-field air embolization has occurred it has  been due to 
improper connections on the arterial line: between the arterial line  and the 
cannula (Venturi effect) or due to failure to de-bubble and aspirate the  
arterial line and arterial cannula/vessel prior to going on bypass. 

5)  Low level and bubble detection equipment with auto-shut-off and 

line-clamp  features are highly effective at prevent air embolization and should
used on  ALL CPB circuits. 

6) Loss of prime on centrifugal pumps in the presence  of high molecular 
weight colloids creates large numbers of very stable and  difficult to remove 
micro-bubbles. This also often happens during priming when  air is 
enrtrained into the pump. 

7) Centrifugal pumps are not acceptable  for CPA perfusion and personnel 
MUST learn how to reliably and safely use roller  or other occlusive positive 
displacement pumps. This can only be achieved by  extensive didactic and 
hands-on training in a feedback driven model. Translated,  that means you must 
pump living animals under demanding conditions (i.e., that  produce major 
physiological derangements) with SURVIVAL as the outcome and with  EVALUATION 
of the quality of that survival (i.e., end organ function,  neurological 
outcome, etc.). 

I (and Jerry Leaf when he was alive) have  been saying this for 20 

Melody Maxim writes: 

"The  misunderstandings that are going on, here, are one of the inherent 
reasons  medical professionals should be used to perform medical procedures in 
cryonics.  We never had these types of disagreements, when I worked in 
heart surgery,  because we all had the same basic educations, with our 

specialties layered on  top that. In other words, we "spoke the same basic 
and we had all  been educated regarding each other's specialties, to some 
degree. (All of the  perfusionists in my class did hospital rotations 

assisting the anesthesiologist,  and scrubbing in with the surgeons, and we had
classes related to every aspect  of heart surgery, not just perfusion.) 
Mike Darwin: This is quite true and,  in point of fact, neither Jerry nor I 
had any such problems with the many  medical professionals, including 
professional perfusionists, with whom we  interacted or collaborated with over 
the years. In fact, Ms. Maxim is the first  such person with whom Ive had this 

Melody Maxim writes:  

"These questions are not pertinent to the situation at SA. SA is not  
starting out with blood, and they are not using cryoprotective perfusate of  
varying concentration. The last I heard, they are washing out the patient's  
blood with a specified volume of washout solution that has a consistent  

Mike Darwin: See my extensive comments above.  

Melody Maxim writes: 

"Precisely measuring the flow is nowhere  near as important as preventing 
the introduction of air to the patient. An  occlusive pump will continue to 
pump at the set rate, regardless of whether the  tubing is filled with fluid, 
or air, while a centrifugal pump will not."  

Mike Darwin: This is true, but it is not the whole story (see above).  The 
solution is to have *only properly trained/skilled personnel perform TBW*.  
Clinical perfusionists are the ideal (with additional training) but the fact 
is  that any intelligent, motivated person with the right temperament and 
reflexes  can be trained to operate an open circuit TBW system (with the 
proper  safeguards) with a high degree of safety. That does not mean a weekend 
of  training but rather extensive, outcome-based training using the identical 
system  that is to be employed in the field. The reality is that in much of 
the world,  and for the foreseeable future, cryonics is going to be 

performed by  non-perfusionists. There was a time when that was done both safely
and  effectively (if you count me as a non-perfusionist). But it was NOT done 

In fact, actual real-world experience has demonstrated that I am even  more 
conservative on this point than is Ms. Maxim. I refused to provide CI with  
a more complex circuit absent extensive training to a level where I was  
satisfied that the personnel using the system would be reasonably safe. Every  
additional complexity in the procedure or the circuit design creates  

distractions with the potential for error (absent through training and vetting).
There was a time in cryonics (1981 to 1997) when at least in SOME cryonics  
operations these standards applied and in those operations *air was never 
pumped  to any cryonics patient (with no exceptions and no qualifications)*.  

Meklody Maxim writes; 

"An equally critical, related issue,  (which isn't even being discussed by 
Mike), is the importance of maintaining  proper patient pressures. After 
reading SA's "CI-81" case report, I accused SA  of over-pressurizing a patient 
whose cerebral vasculature was already  compromised. The occlusive pumps 
that have been used in cryonics are NOT  sensitive to pressure and will 
continue to deliver the selected flow rate, no  matter how high the patient's 

pressure gets. (In other words, an occlusive pump  will continue to pump at the
same rate, in the presence of increasing pressure,  until something blows 
apart.) A centrifugal pump will respond to increasing  patient pressure with a 
decreasing flow rate, and to a decreasing patient  pressure with an 
increasing flow rate, at a constant RPM. 

Placing an  amateur behind an occlusive pump is almost certain to result 

a.) Air  being introduced to the patient 
b.) Inappropriately high perfusion pressures  that may result in vascular 
insult to the patient 
c.) Inappropriately low  perfusion pressures that may result in the 

inadequate perfusion of the patient's  tissues (some of the patient's tissues 
be perfused with the cryonics  solutions) 
d.) Any combination, or all, of the above" 

Mike Darwin:  Countless CPB cases have been pumped worldwide with roller 
pumps with a  microscopic incidence of air embolism due to the presence of the 
roller pump,  per se; and with excellent outcomes. This was true even 

before the introduction  of safety features such as macro/microbubble detectors,
low-level detectors and  arterial line clamps. Of necessity, neonatal and 
adult ECMO are STILL carried  out using compliant bags with these features 
(plug a push-plate type bag volume  sensor/controller) and I believe many 
canters still use roller pump for this  days to weeks-long CPB procedure. The 
fact is that BOTH systems are used  clinically with acceptable safety and 
excellent outcomes. 

Outside of  cryonics, in the world of clinical medicine, I have almost no 
doubt that  centrifugal pumps will become the standard of care and, what is 
more,  that minimal CPB using integrated centrifugal pump-oxygenator- heat  
exchanger-cardiotomy and venous reservoir systems is the future of CPB (and 
that  eventually, when/if true membrane hollow fibre oxygenators are 

manufactured,  this will be the case for extended duration ECMO, as well). These
systems are  compact, have less immune-inflammatory cascade activating surface 
area (and the  surface area that is present can be better treated to 

minimize such activation),  and are less damaging to both the formed elements of
the blood and to the plasma  proteins than are conventional CPB circuits 

andthey require less priming volume  thus conserving blood and reducing the need
for transfusion. They are also just  more elegant and aesthetically 

physiological: in the body the heart is not  positioned in the pelvis, but 
rather is 
adjacent to the lungs with the shortest  possible lengths of connecting 
tubing (blood vessels). 

Whats more, if  the flow problem can be solved I believe that minimal CPB 
systems will be ideal  for use in cryonics cases including cases where 

prolonged (8 to 24 hours)  extracorporeal support is indicated. Of course, this
presupposes they are  affordable. Much of what we actually used in cryonics 
from day one was a  function of what we could gain access to - and that was in 
large part a function  of money. (The righ 'connections' and favors also 
played a critical role). SA is  an other-worldly affair subsidized by LEF and 
not, as far as I can tell,  sustainable in its current form. 

Ms. Maxim speaks of inappropriately  high perfusion pressures in 
cryopatients. I concur, but would go further and ask  these questions of her: 

1) What are the safe and appropriate pressures  to use in cryopatients 
during both blood washout and subsequent asanguineous  recirculation? Please 
explain why you have chosen the value(s) you provide.  
2) What are the absolute and relative medical contraindications to in-field 
 TBW for cryopatients? 
3) What are medical indications and contraindications  for extended (> 1 
hour) asanguineous extracorporeal support of cryopatients?  What are the 
likely complications and how should they be managed? 
4) What  are the expected pressures (MAP & CVP) and flows in both acute TBW 
and ECMO  treated cryopatients? 
5) What colloids can be used in TBW/ECMO of  cryopatients and for what 

reasons? What colloids are known to be contraindicated  and on the basis of what
6) What FiO2 should be used during TBW  and/or ECMO in cryopatients? Why? 

Melody Maxim writes: 

"Mike  Darwin: "So, again, I ask: has SA done the simple experiments 

necessary to  validate the SCPC flowmeter? An easy place to start is to pump tap
water from a  reservoir and measure the flow/min by capturing the pump output 
in a graduated  cylinder while using a stopwatch to determine elapsed 

I've been  waiting all day for someone to ask the obvious question, but it 
seems to have  slid right past everyone on this forum. Since Mike claims to 
be concerned with  the accurately measuring the flow of SOLUTIONS USED IN 
CRYONICS, why is he  suggesting using TAP WATER for the experiment, rather 
than the actual washout  solution??? This makes no sense, whatsoever. 

Regardless, as Mike, himself,  points out, it is simple to determine whether the
transducer is accurate  for SA's washout solutions, and I'm quite sure the 
perfusionists associated with  SA learned this simple task, (just as I did), 
in perfusion school. 

Mike  Darwin: I suggested tap water because it is cheap and readily 
available. If the  flowmeter reads tap water flows accurately then it is worth 
proceeding to test  it with perfusate (really expensive) under real-world 
conditions. I suggested  tap water for the same reason you used it in training 
circuits: it is a cheap  liquid which you can pump and which behaves enough 
like blood for the purpose at  hand. If the SCPC flowmeter gives an invalid 

number for tap water, particularly  if it is misleadingly close to a believable
flow, then you should proceed with  real caution if you proceed at all. CPB 
ultrasonic Doppler flow meters and  electromagnetic flowmeters will NOT 
read water or TBW asanguineous perfusates at  all. This is a blessing in that 
you are not likely to mistake a random number  generator for a truly accurate 
flowmeter. If a flowmeter reads tap water with  reasonable accuracy (or can 
be calibrated to read such) then there is a good  chance it will read 

perfusate accurately; after all, we know for sure it reads  blood accurately and
tap water is one extreme of a continuum between distilled  water and blood, 
with perfusate being in-between in terms of viscosity and ion  content. 

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