X-Message-Number: 4056
Subject: Re: organizations
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 23:03:29 -0800 (PST)

I have a question for Bob Ettinger re his post on organizations:

You indicated that members of ACS and CryoCare could elect to have their 
remains stored at CI as an alternative, and so I'm curious as to how CI 
proposes to deal with the legal liabilities that are imposed? For instance, 
what if one of their service providers decides to hasten another patient's 
death during a transport, and later during a probe the authorities want to 
autopsy the patient to determine cause of death? Do you think claiming 
ignorance and/or unbundling will be sufficient to protect that patient, 
your other patients, and your organization from destruction?

I have concluded that this risk should NOT be imposed upon frozen patients, 
and also that there is presently no way to neutralize these liabilities 
short of changing our whole socio-polical structure. But I am open to any 
suggestions you may have in the meantime for cushioning the blow.....

Ever forward,


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