X-Message-Number: 4145
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 1995 20:39:47 -0700
From: John K Clark <>
Subject: SCI.CRYONICS Godel


In  #4131    Wrote : 

		>John Clark (#4121) says Russell and I are both wrong because
		>Goedel did better.  He also  says I am talking about            
		>Russell's Theory of Types; I am  not. I am talking about 

		>meaningfulness [...]  The "paradox" of The Liar,in the form
				>above, is easily resolved by refusing to acknowledge  that 
		>the  statement is a proposition 
That's exactly what Russell's discredited Theory of Types was
talking about, meaningfulness. In a sense it was successful, it
did eliminate all paradoxes by branding them as meaningless but
it also branded a huge number of statements that I'm sure you
would think perfectly reasonable ( anything with the word "I" or
"this" in it among others) as meaningless as well. Godel's
Theorem states that you can have a logical system that is
totally consistent and free from paradox, but only by weakling
it to such an extent that it becomes trivial and completely useless. 
		>I suggest that a statement is meaningful only if IN 
		>PRINCIPLE it can be tested or verified.
According to your definition some things can be true but not be
meaningful and other things can be false but be  meaningful ,
also it still doesn't answer anything , it just kick the problem
upstairs. When can a statement be tested or verified in a finite
number of steps? The answer to this question is sometimes easy
to find and sometimes it's far from obvious. The procedure for
testing something in a finite number of steps  is called a PROOF. 
For example take the Goldbach Conjecture, it states that
every even number greater that 4 is the sum of two odd  primes 
(all the primes except 1 and 2). Let's try it for some numbers:


This all looks very promising, but is it true for ALL even numbers? 
Leaving aside for the moment the question of whether it
is true, is the Goldbach Conjecture even meaningful according to
your definition? The meaning seems pretty straightforward to me,
but  checking all even numbers  one by one would take an
infinite number of steps, to test it in finite number of steps 
we need a proof, but I don't have one, nobody does. The Goldbach
Conjecture was first proposed in 1742 ( 1742=1729+13) and since
that time the top minds in mathematics have looked for a proof
but have come up empty. Well, perhaps we can't prove it because
it's not true, however  modern computers have looked for a
counterexample, they've gone up to a trillion or so and it works
every time. Now a trillion is a big number but it's no closer to
being infinite than the number 1 is, so perhaps The Goldbach
Conjecture will fail at a trillion +2 or a trillion to the
trillionth power. It's also possible that some brilliant
mathematician will come up with a proof tomorrow as recently
happened with Fermat's last theorem , but there is yet another
possibility, it could be unprovable.

The Goldbach Conjecture is either true or it's not, Godel never
denied that, the question is if we will ever know if it's true
or not? According to Godel  some statements are unprovable, if
The Goldbach Conjecture is one of these it means it's true so
we'll never find a counterexample to prove it wrong and it means
we'll never find a proof to show it's correct. A billion years
from now, whatever hyper intelligent entities we will have
become will still be deep in thought looking, unsuccessfully,
for a proof and still grinding away at numbers looking,
unsuccessfully, for a counterexample.
		>symbols and rules of formal logic and mathematics, instead 
		>of ordinary words
Ordinary words are also symbols and they have their own formal logic, grammar. 
		>If it can't be proven, how do we know it's true?
We can't , but remember Godel doesn't say you can't prove anything, he says 
you can't prove everything. 

		>if something is undecidable, it has any practical importance.
If something is undecidable you will never know it's undecidable, you'll just 
never find a proof or a counterexample.
		>Following is part of a draft of a chapter in one of my books
		>in progress[...] Goedel's Incompleteness Theorems are in        
		>essence just as stupid  as this. [...]  I say the
		>incompleteness theorems are phony.
I really hope you don't take this the wrong way but with the
deepest respect I beg you, don't include this chapter in your
new book. For some reason many respected scientists think that
cryonics advocates are loony and probably members of the Flat
Earth Society too, I guarantee you, calling the work of the
greatest logician in two thousand years "stupid" and "phony"
will not improve that perception. If you feel you absolutely
positively must publish this anti intellectual chapter, please,
please, PLEASE do it in a separate book that doesn't mention
Cryonics. You might want to think about using a pseudonym as
well, I don't think anybody on this list wants to see the father
of Cryonics publicly humiliated and held up to scorn in the
scientific community.

				      John K Clark        

Version: 2.6.i


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