X-Message-Number: 4467 From: (David Stodolsky) Subject: Memes and the evolution of concepts Date: Wed, 31 May 95 13:32:34 +0200 (CET DST) I have just finished a majority of: Hull, D. A. (1988). _Science as a process_. (An evolutionary account of the social and conceptual development of science) Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press. ISBN: 0-226-36051-2. This is a 500 page book which must be read from beginning to end to get much out of it. It is not so much technical as "tight" - no speed reading. Of interest, is that Dawkins's work is corrected and extended, the author uses the concepts of "replicators" and "interactors" himself. He states: "In fact, those who argue that not even organisms can function as units of selection begin by casting doubt on their status as individuals, superficial appearances to one side (Dawkins 1976, 1978)" p411. He comments on several weakness in the Dawkins work, but rejects the objections that have been made to treating the evolution of concepts similarly to biological evolution. This is a philosophically oriented text, and as such is better at raising questions than giving answers, however, the one point that seems solidly supported is that individual scientists have very little impact on the development of scientific concepts. Research teams seem to be the engines of change in science. Both of the above should give pause to more extreme individualists. Dawkins appears to undermine the existence of "individuals", Hull's analysis suggests they just don't make much difference. In terms of contributing to the marketing or acceptance of cryonics, there is not much positive that can be said, except that the use of evolutionary theory is not ruled out. How to use it, however, will apparently require another 500 page book. Maybe somebody can check the Science Citation Index to see if anyone has risen to the challenge. One point relevant to this forum: "Conceptual systems while they are evolving are internally heterogeneous, as they must be if they evolve at least in part as the result of a selection process (p. 511)." I take this to mean that any attempt to enforce a uniform view in the discussions here would be counter to the goal of improving the "fitness" of the cryonics idea, whatever that idea evolves into. dss David S. Stodolsky, Euromath Center, University of Copenhagen Universitetsparken 5, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. Tel.: +45 38 33 03 30. Fax: +45 38 33 88 80. (C) Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=4467