X-Message-Number: 4626
Date: 14 Jul 95 11:38:24 EDT
From: yvan Bozzonetti <>
Subject: SCI.CRYONICS: Frozen death stars

Cryonics is about frozen death, I think it must include stars (not the 
Show-Biz ones) 8-).

When thermonuclear burning can't anymore maintains a sufficient thermal 
pressure a star shrinks to a white dwarf, a neutron or quark-star, or even 
a black hole depending on its mass. Here I am interested in the black hole 
case. Near the BH horizon, time get ever and ever slow and get frozen at 
the horizon itself. This produce a curious effect :


A moving charge far above the horizon will be seen from far away after the 
usual ligth propagation delay, for example 8 mn for the Earth-Sun distance. 
But slowing time near the horizon will keep too a picture of the past 
electric field. Pilled up on the skin outside the horizon, there is all the 
history of the particle's electric field. A black hole is so a giant 
archive of the past for all nearby matter. To see the past of an object put 
near a BH you can look in a telescope from far away or dig out the BH skin.

We are near a Black Hole !

This would have no practical interest if the nearest BH was at the galaxy 
center, 30 000 ligth years away. In fact we are only 6400 km from a BH at 
Earth center. How that ? Assume you are in a space ship going back to our 
world at near the speed if ligth, special relativity tells us Earth will be 
seen with a reduced diameter in the displacement axis. Perpendicular to 
thatanything will be angularly shrinken. If the Earth radius may be reduced 
at  near 1/2 inch by relativistic effect, our world will be seen as a black 
hole. Because all free falling movement states are equivalent, this one is 
as good as our more common reference frame.

We can't escape this conclusion : all the Earth past is storred in a high 
gravitational reference frame of our world and we can get it using 
ultra-relativistic phenomena.


That past could be seen by a FIDucial Observer lovered at the relevant 
black hole skin level. A FIDO is assumed to be at rest as seen by a far 
away observer, that is he resist the near horizon acceleration. For photon, 
or indeed any masseless particle, all moving reference frames are at hand. 
What select one or another from the view point of an (nearly) unaccelerated 
distant observer is the acceleration of the message sending FIDO. If a 
photon comes from an accelerated source matching what undergoes a given 
FIDO, then we can think of the photon as a message sent by the FIDO.

Particles, mostly neutrons, in the outreach of big nucleus undergo 
tremendous accelerations. They are natural communicators with FIDOs located 
deep in the Earth black hole skin.

Before looking at an all out exploraton of 4.6 billions years of Earth 
history, getting back the past organization state of a corpse in cryonics 
storrage could be a valuable exercise.

		Yvan Bozzonetti.

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