X-Message-Number: 4712 Date: 03 Aug 95 03:57:58 EDT From: Mike Darwin <> Subject: CRYONICS: sarcastic humor I have had great difficulty downloading any e-mail for the last 48 hours. What I have gotten was garbled. In particular I got the *middle* of a letter from someone taking me to task for denigrating all cryonicists and (possibly?) demonizing someone (demonizing was the last word in the communication and it was obviously an incomplete sentence). When I tried rebuilding my cabinet index no such post came up. The address which accompanied the post was The post appeared sincere and, if the person who sent it (plus anyone elsewho's tried to e-mail me in the last 48 hours) would send it again, I'll respond privately. A word of warning: CompuServe Information Manager goes non linear when there are too many messages left in the in-basket. Since the damn thing refuses to file long messages (like longer Cryonet posts) they stack up in my in basket unril I'm done with them, then I delete them. Since I got nearly 100 messages today it apparently was too much for WINCIM's tiny mind to handle. Until I get the problem cleared up at work I'll have to download from my machine at home. As to the point about my attacking all cryonicists. Please, for God's sake don't make the terrible mistake of thinking that I in any way restrict my feelings of deep contempt and sarcasm only to cryonicists. I try to see that everyone gets their fair share. In fact, I don't even save it for ALL cryonicists. My post of the top ten "solutions" to the stability qeuestion posed by Eugene Leitel was intended as black humor. Mean, pointed black humor, but humor nonetheless. I thought this was pretty obvious. Was it nasty? Was it an outrage to the holy icon of cryonics and all the struggling souls who deal with the day-to-day frustrations of trying to make cryonics work? Hmmm, probably. But then I warned everybody awhile back: Mike Darwin's turning over a new leaf: NO MORE MISTER NICE GUY! Why did I do such a terrible thing? Oh, I guess 'cause I read too much H.L. Mencken and Dorothy Parker while in High School. In fact, it is a sorry state of affairs IMH but irrelevant opinion that there *are no Menckens or Parkers around anymore in this country.* The only thing sadder is that I'm willing to bet that a solid majority of the people on this list have no idea who Mencken and Parker were and/or have never read thir work. Take it from me, Mencken would have had a GREAT time with cryonics. (Personal to Steve Bridge: you don't count: librarians and people who knew Linda had no choice in the matter.) Why else did I do it? A lot of reasons. Most aren't worth putting down here.The others, well, take your pick: 1) I was only able to steal candy from three toddlers and thus was in a foul mood that day. 2) I temporarily lost my mind when I read the words "uploading", "reassuring sweep of history" and "nanotechnology" all used in the same sentence. 3) My prescription for Thorazine ran out. 4) I find myself deeply frustrated by what IS a fundamental lack of support for what I arrogantly think is the correct path, and the grossly inappropriate focus to a lot of cryonics activity. 5) Scratch number 4 above, I just took another 500 mg of Thorazine and all the little voices that keep screaming "you and all your friends will soon be dead, you and all your friends will soon be dead (and your little dog Toto too (actually his name is Cannibal)) have stopped for awhile. 6) I reacted in a frenzy when I realized that the sentence referred to in number 2 above actually gave me a momentary feeling of comfort! 7) While in the desert recently (fasting) I looked up, saw the Milky Way and said to myself, "dear God, the Universe IS a wonderful place." My reaction to this, quite understandably, was to take some Haldol (Thorazine cubed) which promptly returned me to sanity, but not until before I'd clicked the mouse on SEND-RECEIVE ALL MAIL. So I didn't make to it ten this time. It's been a long day. Why did I REALLY do it? 8) Maybe it will make people think a little. At least got their attention. See, I'm an optimist after all. Mike Darwin Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=4712