X-Message-Number: 4936
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 1995 18::55 -0700
From:  (Tim Freeman)
Subject: CRYONICS Melatonin

Peter Merel <> says in cryomsg 4863:
>Since non-
>time-release mel. causes a sharp spike in mel. levels that goes away
>after 3-5 hours (at which point, so I hear, people often wake up),
>if endogenous production is suppressed then for the rest of the time
>your mel. deficiency might be worse than it would otherwise be.

I have also observed that I usually wake up about 3 to 5 hours after
taking melatonin.  

It would be interesting to hear about other melatonin users, and
whether they observe the same effect.  It would be particularly
interesting to hear whether people using time-release melatonin
observe this, since I could use time-release melatonin.


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