X-Message-Number: 4967
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 23:23:52 -0500 (CDT)
From: N E U R O M A N C E R <>
Subject: inquiry from Mac Tonnies (nanotech)

I'm working on an sf story involving a nanotechnological slant and wondered
if any readers of CryoNet could give me some particulars on the feasability
of this (RAM, waste heat, etc.)  I'll write the story regardless of technical
exactitude, but accuracy can count for a lot.

In the story, characters have access to the "Materialization Net," something
like a physical postal service but entirely electronic.  Small vats of nanites
analyze an object's physical parameters, convert the object into code and
transmit the encoded object to a "playback" unit, which constructs an atom-
by-atom duplicate of the original...a sort of fax machine of the gods.
The M-Net is used as public transportation as well, leaving at least one

character psychotic, wondering if he retains his humanity after being 
translatedinto computer code and subsequently reconstructed.


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