X-Message-Number: 5291
Date:  Tue, 28 Nov 95 22:36:16 
From: mike <>
Subject: Revival of Cryonics Patients

Revival of Cryonics Patients
by Mike Perry

There has been some recent discussion on CryoNet about 
the possibility that future humans or posthumans will not 
be interested in reviving cryonics patients, so the latter will 
not get revived even if they can be. Brian Wowk takes the 
opposite position that at least *some* future individuals 
*will* have this interest in revival, thus it will be done; but 
some others are doubtful because they think it will take a 
substantial number of people with interest in revival, which 
they think is unlikely.

My own feeling is that eventually individuals will have 
control of mature nanotechnology so that one person 
singlehandedly, aided by a feasible retinue of nanites, could 
revive all the cryonics patients. (Probably with the help of 
feasible nanites the one person could create an automated, 
self-repairing, self-sustaining device that could revive all 
the cryonics patients.) It is possible that, resources not 
being unlimited, projects like this will require a waiting 
period until the necessary resource slot opens up (i.e. 
necessary materials and/or energy can be spared from other 
projects the then-immortal population of posthumans will 
be involved in). But it's a big universe and overall 
resources don't seem that limited, certainly not by our 

I expect one or more organizations to be in existence that 
will be devoted to revival. There is at least one organization 
today, the Society for Venturism, which has this professed 
interest. Article six of the Venturist Manifesto reads: 
"Venturists are committed, so far as science will allow, to 
seeing that every person who desires a life in the future, 
and who, following this wish, has been frozen for possible 
reanimation, remains frozen as long as is necessary and is 
eventually reanimated." (The Venturists can be contacted at 
10444 North Cave Creek Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85020 or you 
can e-mail them through me, )

The immortals we hope to become, along with whoever 
else may be around then, will have their own priorities, of 
course. But some of us will surely maintain a strong 
interest in reanimating cryonics patients, as long as there 
are patients to be reanimated. The November issue of 
*Spin* magazine has an article on cryonics. On p. 138 it 
asks, "... what is there to say about ... Mike Perry and his 
Order of Universal Immortalism, which hopes to resurrect 
every organism that's ever lived and died ...?" The question 
is left unanswered, but here is some information that seems 

"Universal Immortalism" is the name I gave some years 
ago to the philosophical doctrine that all human beings and 
more generally all sentient creatures can and should be 
resurrected, in some form, at some future time, through 
scientific means. The resurrection can be in the form of an 
exact copy or duplicate, which is considered to be "as 
good" as the original. (Your own body is constantly 
exchanging material, for example, and gradually 
transforming itself into what is at at best only a duplicate of 
the former self.) An exact copy could also, in principle, be 
created by guesswork even without the original 
information, so a way is opened for resurrection in the 
absence of preservation of the remains. However, for 
various reasons I maintain that a straightforward 
resurrection using preserved remains and the information 
contained therein is preferred over alternatives. It is better 
to choose cryonics, and cryonics in turn would lose its 
meaning unless those who choose it eventually reap the 
benefit of being reanimated from their frozen state. 

Finally, to qualify as a resurrection it is not necessary to 
create an exact duplicate of the organism but only a 
"continuer" that remembers being the organism. In this 
way, then, it is possible to rationalize resurrection of, say 
evil human beings or other sentient life forms you wouldn't 
care to have around in their original forms. Evil people 
would be made good. Simpler-than-human life forms 
wouldn't necessarily be recreated as such but would have 
recollections or predispositions reflecting their earlier life.

The whole thing I see as a fascinating project on many 
levels, one that should be eminently suited to a posthuman 
immortal, which I hope to become someday. (And I hope to 
be joined by other immortals interested in such a project, 
and don't expect they'll be too hard to find, when things 
have advanced far enough.) Some developments in modern 
physics, particularly the many-worlds formulation of 
quantum mechanics, make the whole idea seem more 
feasible and reasonable. (Many-worlds, for instance, can 
rationalize the recreation of a person by guesswork, as an 
authentic individual who really lived in one of the parallel 
time streams that exist under this theory.) Hans Moravec 
and Frank Tipler are two modern scientists of repute who 
have taken the idea of a universal resurrection seriously, 
and there are others. (Respect is also due to the Russian 
philosopher Nikolai Fedorov who had the same idea a 
century ago.)

I started the Order of Universal Immortalism in 1990 as a 
subsidiary of the Venturist organization. For years OUI was 
mostly just a name but now there is increasing interest; a 
stand-alone Universal Immortalist organization is one 
possibility. I am also writing a book, *Forever for All*, to 
develop a philosophy of Universal Immortalism, and I hope 
to have a first draft finished in a year or so. This book will, 
of course, make a pitch for a universal resurrection, both on 
grounds of desirability and ultimate scientific feasibility, 
but *also will advocate cryonics*. My hope is that the ideas 
it presents will help to strengthen and stabilize interest in 
cryonics, and increase the likelihood of revival of patients 
once that becomes possible.  I don't see this effort as 
unique, however. Other books will be written, whatever the 
outcome in this one instance (Bob Ettinger is working on 
one for example), and overall I think the interest in patient 
revivals will continue and grow.

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