X-Message-Number: 5481
From: Peter Merel <>
Subject: Happy New Year?
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 17:43:51 +1100 (EST)

I found the following in talk.environment. I'm curious about how
people here feel about it. If Hanson is right to think of "global systems
collapse" occurring around 2020-2030, perhaps we should pay more
attention to where and how to ride out the storm? Or are there good reasons
to think that nanotech will flower before this? Is 2020-2030 too pessimistic?


>From:  (Jay Hanson)
>Newsgroups: talk.environment
>Subject: Re: Population growth.
>Date: 13 Dec 1995 03:41:52 GMT

I don't think there is any way to avoid die-off and possibly
even die-out.  I have three different sources -- using three
different methods and data sets -- that point to worldwide
systems collapse around the year 2020 or 2030:

#1 Meadows, et al. project a "business as usual" scenario that
 see our major systems failing around year 2020 [p. 133].
 Remember, these are worldwide systems -- there is no escape.
 It is interesting to note the latest ozone depletion and
 global warming data was not available to the models.  Perhaps
 the models would project collapse even quicker?

 Meadows, et al., 1992:  BEYOND THE LIMITS -- Chelsea Green
     Publishing Company, Lebanon, NH; 800-639-4099,
     603-448-0317, Fax 603-448-2576

#2 My second reference is from Worldwatch and concerns that
 fact that there will simply not be enough food on the planet
 to feed humanity by year 2030.  Starving humans will follow
 starving deer and devour their own life-support system.

 See: WHO WILL FEED CHINA?, Worldwatch Institute
      1776 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC  20036 
      Tel: 202/452-1999  Fax: 202/296-7365  

  Also see FULL HOUSE by Worldwatch and

  DWELLERS IN THE LAND, by Kirkpatrick Sale, 1991,
   New Society Pub. 800-253-3605  ISBN 0-86571-225-5 

  OVERSHOOT by Catton, 1982, University of Illinois Press,
   800-545-4703, Fax 217-244-8082

  BEYOND OIL, by Gever, et al., 1991,
   University Press of Colorado, 800-268-6044 or 303-530-5337

#3 My third reference posits approximately the same time frame
 "before destroying the functional integrity of the
 ecosphere". In this case, I think that the underlying
 studies here were scientific analyses of the global carbon
 cycle (I may be wrong, I am not an ecologist).  And remember
 folks, when the ecosphere goes, everything goes.

             - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
             "Investing in Natural Capital:
       The Ecological Approach to Sustainability"

 from the International Society for Ecological Economics

 "There is accumulating evidence that humanity my soon have to
  confront the real carrying capacity constraints.  For
  example, nearly 40% of terrestrial net primary productivity
  (photosynthesis) is already being used ("appropriated") by
  humans, one species among millions, and this fraction is
  steadily increasing (Vitousek et al. 1986).  If we take
  this percentage as an index of the human carrying capacity
  of the earth and assume that a growing economy could come
  to appropriate 80% of photosynthetic production before
  destroying the functional integrity of the ecosphere, the
  earth will effectively go from half to completely full
  within the next doubling period -- currently about 35 years
  (Daly 1991).
 "The significance of this unprecedented convergence of economic
  scale with that of the ecosphere is not generally
  appreciated in the current debate on sustainable
  development.  Because the human impact on critical functions
  of the ecosphere is not uniform "effective fullness" may
  actually occur may actually occur well before the next
  doubling of human activity.  (Liebig's law reminds us that
  is takes only a single critical limiting factor to constrain
  the entire system.)  Indeed, data presented in this chapter
  suggests that long-term human carrying capacity may already
  have been at less than the present 40% preemption of
  photosynthesis. If so, even current consumption (throughput)
  cannot be sustained indefinitely, and further material
  growth can be purchased only with accelerated depletion of
  remaining natural capital stocks.
 "This conundrum can be illustrated another way by extrapolation
  from our ecological footprint data.  If the entire world
  population of 5.6 billion were to use productive land at
  the rate of our Vancouver/Lower Fraser Valley example, the
  total requirement would be 28.5 billion ha.  In fact, the
  total land area of Earth is only just over 13 billion ha, of
  which only 8.8 billion ha is productive cropland, pasture,
  or forest.  The immediate implications are two-fold:  first,
  as already stressed, the citizens of wealthy industrial
  countries unconsciously appropriate far more than their
  share of global carrying capacity;  second, we would
  require an additional "two Earths," assuming present
  technology and efficiency levels, to provide for the present
  world population at Canadian's ecological standard of
  living.  In short, there may simply not be enough natural
  capital around to satisfy current development assumptions.
  The difference between the anticipated ecological footprint
  of the human enterprise and the available land/natural
  capital base is a measure "sustainability gap" confronting
  humankind." [p. 383]

 "We admittedly make no allowance for potentially large
  efficiency gains or technological advances.  Even at
  carrying capacity, further economic growth is possible (but
  not necessarily desirable) if resource consumption and
  waste production continue to decline per unit GDP (Jacobs
  1991). We should not, however, rely exclusively on this
  conventional rationale.  New technologies require decades to
  achieve the market penetration needed to significantly
  influence negative ecological trends.  Moreover,there is no
  assurance that savings will not simply be directed into
  alternative forms of consumption.  Efficiency improvements
  may actually increase rather than decrease resource
  consumption (Saunders 1992).  We are already at the limit in
  a world of rising material expectations in which the human
  population is increasing by 94 million people per year.  The
  minimal food-land requirements alone each year for this
  number of new people is 18,800,000 ha (at 5 people/ha, the
  current average productivity of world agriculture) -- the
  equivalent of all cropland in France." [p. 386]

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

            "Investing in Natural Capital:
       The Ecological Approach to Sustainability"

          The International Society for Ecological Economics
          http://kabir.umd.edu/ISEE/ISEEhome.html and
          Island Press -- 1994  http://www.islandpress.com
          1-800-828-1302 or 1-707-983-6432 Fax 1-707-983-6164

          AnnMari Jansson, Monica Hammer,
          Carl Folke, and Robert Costanza

 The quoted text was taken from chapter # 20 which was by:
                William E. Rees and Mathis Wackernagel
                The University of British Columbia
                School of Community and Regional Planning
                6333 Memorial Road
                Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z2

 Daly, H. 1986.  Comments on "Population Growth and Economic
                 Development."  Population and Development
                 Review 12: 583-585

 ------- 1990.   Sustainable development:  from concept and
                 theory towards operational principles.
                 Population and Development Review (special
                 issue 1990) (Also published in Daly, H. 1991.
                 Steady State Economics. 2d, ed.  Washington,
                 DC: Island Press)

 --------1991.   From empty world economics to full world
                 economics: recognizing an historic turning
                 point in economic development.  In
                 Environmentally Sustainable Development:
                 Building on Brundtland, eds.  R. Goodland, H.
                 Daly, and S. El Serafy. Washington DC: The
                 World Bank

 --------1991.   Steady State Economics.  2d, ed.  Washington,
                 DC: Island Press

 Vitousek, P., P. Ehrlich, A. Ehrlich, and P. Matson, 1986.
                 Human appropriation of the products of
                 photosynthesis. BioScience 36: 368-74

  See also: http://newciv.org/worldtrans/whole/warning.html


Happy New Year?
Peter Merel.

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