X-Message-Number: 5638
Date:  Fri, 19 Jan 96 11:15:51 
From: Steve Bridge <>
Subject: SCI.CRYONICS Bacteria/neurosuspension

To CryoNet (and sci.cryonics)
>From Steve Bridge
January 19, 1996

In reply to:     Message #5621
                 Date: Thu, 18 Jan 1996 11:33:06 +0100
                 From: John de Rivaz <>
                 Subject: Lethal Bacteria

     I hope that the BBC's (or John's) characterization of this problem as
"a disaster that threatens the collapse of Britain's hospital service"
turns out to be media hyperbole.  On the other hand, the crisis of drug-
resistant bacteria is perhaps the most immediate risk to the populations
of developed countries, and will be more widespread than AIDS.

     If you really want both a shock to your system and a well-written,
thoroughly researched account of just how vulnerable we all are, I highly
recommend Laurie Garrett's book, *The Coming Plague.*  It is a very long
book, with accounts of the various plagues of this century, with many
heroes and great stories; but also with the understanding that, for now,
at least, we are NOT winning the war with nature.

     While it isn't exactly Ms. Garrett's point, what I got from the book
was a simple credo: We can't ever hope to defeat disease organisms; we can
only hope eventually to change *ourselves* to eliminate the concept of

Also, in reply to:     Message #5622
                       Date: Thu, 18 Jan 1996 10:30:02 -0500
                       Subject: SCI.CRYONICS neuro/Pretoria

Bob Ettinger points out:

>4. I have mentioned this before, but nobody has noticed. If/when we
>achieve reversible-on-demand suspension, then (assuming it comes soon or
>at any rate before full regeneration technology) nobody will want neuro
>as first choice, obviously. The trap here is for those neuro sign-ups (in
>fact all sign-ups) who have funded at a minimum level. It is going to be
>very sticky if we have perfect suspension available but not affordable
>for existing or potential members. (Of course, if perfect methods are
>available, perfect neuro would still be infinitely better than nothing.)

     I do remember Bob saying this before and it is an excellent point.  I
forgot about it when I wrote my article for *Cryonics* magazine.  This is
another good reason to set up your funding as I recommended in the article:

     "I recommend you consider the solution I have chosen myself.
  At least for the next ten years, in these early days of cryonics,
  if you can afford $120,000 in insurance or other funds, then plan
  for that amount but choose neurosuspension.  If it happens that
  you need to be suspended in the next decade, instead of spending
  money on keeping all of that extra mass frozen, let those extra
  funds go toward research, marketing, legal funds, and otherwise
  making sure your organization can thrive.   If you're still
  kicking up your heels in ten years, and Alcor is so rich and
  powerful that your measly extra thousands won't make a bit of
  difference, then you can reconsider.  If it won't harm your
  organization, you could switch your choice to whole body and take
  the extra information along.  If you want whole body suspension
  today, I recommend funding it at a level of $200,000, for the
  same reasons.  For insurance, the difference in premiums
  won't be that much; and it could make all the difference in the
  world to your cryonics group -- which could mean all the time in
  the world to you."

     Obviously the purely financial considerations will be different for
Cryonics Institute members, with its lower price; but I think the overall
point is well taken.  Just in case easily reversible suspended animation
is developed in time for you to use it, you want to have your finances
arranged so you CAN choose the whole body option.  I still feel that
neurosuspension is likely to be equal in result to whole body suspension,
based on the technology available if you are suspended *today.*

Steve Bridge

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