X-Message-Number: 5798
Newsgroups: uk.legal,sci.cryonics,sci.life-extension
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From:  (P. Burridge)
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 1996 18:40:05 GMT
Subject: Re: Death (was Donaldson MR and Miss Hindley)

In article <>, Brian Wowk () writes:

>       Nope.  Only short-term memory is RAM.  Long-term memory is PROM.
>This is not speculation, but medical fact.

Let's accept this premise and make a theoretical quantum leap, to
the point where your technology allows you to revive long-dead
frozen stiffs. 
So your corpse 'wakes up' after x years in suspension and finds his
long-term memory substantially unimpared. What makes you think the
conscience of this person is still the same? His essential
identity: his soul? I's wager that when this poor, confused, zombie
flicks back through his memories, he won't be able to relate to
them. He won't recognise any of the carefully and expensively
preserved memories as having any connection with him. Like being
shown your family album - but full of strangers. 

>>Brian Wowk          CryoCare Foundation               1-800-TOP-CARE
>President           Your Gateway to the Future        

I see you have an interest to declare...



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