X-Message-Number: 5920
Newsgroups: sci.cryonics,sci.life-extension,uk.legal
From:  (Keith Henson)
Subject: Re: Virtue of suffering
Message-ID: <>
References: <4i09oe$> <>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 04:38:07 GMT

Brad Templeton () wrote:
: In article <4i09oe$>,
: H Keith Henson <> wrote:
: >No again.  Mature nanotechnology has meaning *way* beyond such minor
: >uses as reviving cryonics patients.  It means having virtually complete
: >control over the placement of atoms in everything people make.

: This is somewhat misleading.   Indeed, the other capabilities of a mature
: nanotechnology are vast, and may make cryo-revival seem minor in scope,
: however I personally think that cryo-revival will be one of the most
: complex applications to which nanotechnology is put.

Brad, it might be--certainly *will* be if you are proposing to change
human software by intervention.  But repairing local tissue damage
might not take much intelegence.  Ralph Merkle likenes it to breaking
crypto systems, lots of computation, not much intelegence.

: Nanotechnology is the hardware, but the software will be what really makes
: it go, and preparing the software to repair the brain will be very
: complex, I think.

Could be, but it might not be much more difficult than a spell checker.


: The brain is the only thing we truly *have* to repair (and not even that
: if you're into uploading).

Reminds me of the joke.  In a brain transplant you want to be the *donor.*D

Keith Henson

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