X-Message-Number: 5977 Date: Fri, 22 Mar 1996 11:37:58 -0800 From: (Dwight Jones) Subject: Re: Larry Niven and Bryonics References: <> Steve Harris wrote: >I'm always amazed at the scientific socialist-atheist types like Sagan and Asimov who will go on and on about mankind, and how individuals are less important, and yet when it comes time for the end of their own lives, will have bypasses and more bypasses, and bone marrow transplants, and so on and so on. You'd think that minds of this caliber would be smart enough to see the contradiction.< I wouldn't put it down to ideational failure upon their part. Perhaps they could in fact see that the whole proposition of rebuilding a human via nano-this and cryo-that was simply not well posed. Especially when the seed is available. Dwight Jones Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=5977