X-Message-Number: 6015 From: (Brian Wowk) Newsgroups: sci.cryonics Subject: Re: Cryonics/Legal/Gerbils Date: 31 Mar 96 04:50:50 GMT Message-ID: <> References: <> <> In <> John Sharman <> writes: >I started off querying two propositions: >1. Doctors in US pronounce death *before* ceasing life support and >2. Doctors "switch off" (i.e. cease operation of a life support > machine") a conscious patient. >What you have set out above does not address either point. With regard to point #2, you are really splitting hairs. CPR can also be performed by an HLR (a CPR machine used by paramedics), in which case CPR would be stopped by just "switching off" the machine. There are also other situations in medicine where conscious patients on ECMO (heart-lung machine) support are switched off. Mike Darwin gave an example of such a case on CryoNet today (the message should soon appear on sci.cryonics). With regard to point #1, of course they are pronouncing death before ceasing life support. In an emergency medicine setting, you cannot legally stop life support on a patient unless you declare them dead first. Bizarre situations like conscious people being declared dead happen precisely because the criteria used to pronounce death (absence of, or inability to restore, spontaneous breathing and heartbeat) have no direct bearing on cerebral (brain) viability. What does this have to do with cryonics? Well, if you take a person who has been declared dead, and artificially restore circulation (even to the point of restoring consciousness) they will still be legally dead as long as the heart remains stopped. That's how cryonics teams are able to resusucitate people and then freeze them without the freezing being homocide. The resuscitation is a *cerebral* resuscitation, not cardiac resuscitation, so the patient remains legally dead during the procedure. *************************************************************************** Brian Wowk CryoCare Foundation 1-800-TOP-CARE President Your Gateway to the Future http://www.cryocare.org/cryocare/ Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=6015