X-Message-Number: 6284 Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 22:18:52 -0700 From: Tim Freeman <> Subject: Do Not Feed the Energy Creatures The following text is excerpted with permission from "Usenet Personals: Advice for Straights FAQ (3/3)", a periodic post to alt.personals and other newsgroups by (Dean Esmay). The whole thing is available from http://www.syndicomm.com/straight-faq.html. Disclaimer: I'm quoting from a FAQ for heterosexuals because that's what I happened to have on hand; this is not an implicit statement about a particular sexual orientation, political group, species, phylum, cryonics organization, philosophy, dietary practice, religion, color of the rainbow, race, ethnic group, phase of matter, hair color, or toe length. :-). Tim Freeman Q: SOME PERSON HAS POSTED SOMETHING REALLY RUDE IN RESPONSE TO ME, OR IS PICKING ON ME. WHAT DO I DO? A: There is a certain type of being that's all too common in the online world. I call them "Energy Creatures," a term I first heard on one of the commercial services. Energy Creatures are a bizarre lifeform which grow and feed off of the negative energy generated by others. Energy Creatures' favorite feeding tactic is to try to hurt people's feelings or get them angry. Then they can feed off the pain and anger they've generated. Their second favorite tactic is to hurt one person or group's feelings while gathering the sympathy of others. That way, when the injured party lashes back, others will jump to the Energy Creature's defense. Then the Energy Creature need do nothing except feed off the attention and the negative energy generated by the people fighting. We'll never be completely rid of these noxious beings, but we can do a lot to keep the herds under control by remembering this simple formula: DNFTEC. This stands for Do Not Feed The Energy Creature. If you encounter such a beast, your best bet is usually to say absolutely nothing. No matter how hard it is, sitting on your fingers and posting NOTHING in response is usually the best bet. Remember, if you fight them, they just get stronger. If you ignore them, eventually they weaken, wither, and go away. This may be hard to remember, but in the long run, that's exactly what you need to do. The temptation to fight back is incredible, but remember, fighting them only makes them stronger. Believe it. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=6284